Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: 2-6 Clutch Piston Installation (6T40/45/50) Automatic Transmission Unit

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Transmission/Transaxle / 2-6 Clutch Piston Installation (6T40/45/50) Automatic Transmission Unit

2-6 Clutch Piston Installation (6T40/45/50) Automatic Transmission Unit

2-6 Clutch Piston Installation


Component Name


2–6 Clutch Piston Assembly


Position the 2–6 piston air bleed and large slot toward the top of the case.DT-47796 seal protector prevents the piston seal lip from damage during installation. Apply a thin coat ofATF to the I.D. of the DT-47796 seal protector to ease installation of the piston.

Special Tool

DT-47796 Seal Protector

For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.


2–6 Clutch Spring


2–6 Clutch Spring Retainer

Caution:Regulate the air pressure to 276-kPa(40-psi) maximum. High pressure could cause the pistonto over travel and damage the piston seals.


Place the retainer on the 2-6 clutch spring and align the retainer opening with thelargest gap in the case splines toward the bottom of the case. The retainer openingshould be supported by a spline tooth of the case.Apply shop air to the clutch fluid feed hole in the case to verify proper piston operation.Special ToolsDT-47797 Spring InstallerDT-48056 Spring Compressor Bridge

For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.

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