Special Tools
J 42059 Cigar Lighter Socket Remover
Removal ProcedureRemove the auxiliary power outlet fuse from the fuse block.Remove the receptacle:Look into the receptacle. There are two 3-mm (0.11-in) tab windows 12-mm (0.47-in)from the front of the receptacle. The J 42059 cigar lighter socket remover pushes the plastic latches from these tab windows and the receptacle can be pulledstraight out.Place one side of the “T” portion of the J 42059 cigar lighter socket remover into the tab window. The J 42059 cigar lighter socket remover will not fit straight into the receptacle. Angle the J 42059 cigar lighter socket remover slightlyfor insertion into the receptacle.Insert the other side of the “T” into the opposite tab window.
You must move the J 42059 cigar lighter socket remover handle toward horizontal to engage the other tab window.
Use the J 42059 cigar lighter socket remover to pull the receptacle straight out.If J 42059 cigar lighter socket remover tool fails to release the lighter socket from the retainer, perform the followingalternate method:Insert a small grinding tool with a cutoff wheel into the socket.Remove the plastic latches in the 3-mm (0.11-in) square windows.Use the J 42059 cigar lighter socket remover as directed above to remove the socket.Installation Procedure
Route the connector through the retainer. Align the accessory power receptacle retainerto the slot in the opening.Install the retainer by pressing into place fully seated.Connect the electrical connector to the receptacle.Align the tabs on the receptacle to the slots in the retainer. Install the accessorypower receptacle by pressing into place until fully seated.Install the accessory power receptacle fuse.
Tire Dismounting and Mounting (Lubricant) Wheels
Important:Lubricant should be applied to form a thin, just visiblelayer, on the bead foot and bead outer areas. There should not beany visible clumps of lubricant.Never use soap or any lubricant net specifically designed fortire assembly.Lubricant is used to achieve accurate seating between thetire ...