Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Adhesive Installation of Liftgate Windows Trunklid/Tailgate/Cargo Doors

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Body / Doors and Enclosures / Adhesive Installation of Liftgate Windows Trunklid/Tailgate/Cargo Doors

Warning:Refer toGlass and Sheet Metal Handling Warning.

Use a urethane adhesive systems which meet GM SpecificationGM-3651GRemove all mounds or loose pieces of urethane adhesive fromthe pinchweld area.If the original window is being reused, remove all butapproximately 2-mm-(3/64-in) ofthe existing bead of urethane adhesive from the pinchweld flange byusing a clean utility knife or razor blade scraper.Inspect for any of the following problems in order to helpprevent future breakage of the window:The flange of the window openingHigh weldSolder spotsHardened sealerAny other obstruction or irregularity in the pinchweldflange

Note:If corrosion of the pinch-weld flange is present or if sheetmetal repairs or replacements are required, the pinch-weld flangemust be refinished in order to restore the bonding area strength.If paint repairs are required, mask the flange bonding area priorto applying the color coat in order to provide a clean primer onlysurface. Materials such as BASF-DE15®, DuPont-2610®, Sherwin-Williams PSE-4600 andNP70® and Martin-Semour 5120 and 5130®PPG-DP90LF SPIES/HECKER-3688/8590 –3688/5150 – 4070/5090 STANDOX-11158/13320— 14653/14980 products are approved for thisapplication.

After repairing the opening as indicated, perform thefollowing steps:Remove all traces of broken glass from the outer cowl panel,seats, floor and defroster ducts.Clean around the edge of the inside surface of the windowwith a 50/50 mixture of isopropyl alcohol and water by volume on adampened lint free cloth.Verify all primers and urethane adhesive are withinexpiration dates.

Warning:Failure to prep the area prior to the application of primermay cause insufficient bonding of urethane adhesive. Insufficientbonding of urethane adhesive may allow unrestrained occupants to beejected from the vehicle resulting in personal injury.

Note:Do not apply the black-#3 primer to the existingbead of the urethane adhesive on the pinch-weld flange. Apply theprimer only to nicks, scratches or the primed surfaces.

Shake the pinch-weld primer black-#3 for at least1-minute.Use a new dauber in order to apply the primer to the surfaceof the pinch-weld flange.Allow the pinch-weld primer to dry for approximately10-minutes.

Adhesive Installation of Liftgate Windows Trunklid/Tailgate/Cargo Doors

With the aid of an assistant, dry fit thewindow-(1) to the opening in order to determine thecorrect position.Ensure the window locator pins are positioned into thelocator slots in the pinch-weld flange.Use masking tape to mark the locations of the window in theopening.Cut the masking in the center and remove the window from theopening.

Adhesive Installation of Liftgate Windows Trunklid/Tailgate/Cargo Doors

Note:Use care when applying glass prep clear-#1 on thewindow. This primer dries almost instantly, and may stain theviewing area of the window if not applied evenly.

Use a new dauber in order to apply glass prepclear-#1 to the area approximately 18-mm(0.71-in) around the entire perimeter of the windowinner surface.

Immediately wipe the glass primed area using a clean,lint-free cloth.

Adhesive Installation of Liftgate Windows Trunklid/Tailgate/Cargo Doors

Apply a second coat of the glass prep clear-#1 tothe same area of the glass.

Adhesive Installation of Liftgate Windows Trunklid/Tailgate/Cargo Doors

Note:The glass primer black-#2 is effective up to 8hours after applying it to the glass. The primed surface of theglass must be kept clean.

Shake the glass primer black-#2 for at least1-minute.Use a new dauber in order to apply the glass primerblack-#2 to the same areas (2) that glass prepclear-#1 was applied.Allow the glass primer to dry for approximately10-minutes.

Adhesive Installation of Liftgate Windows Trunklid/Tailgate/Cargo Doors

Cut the applicator nozzle in order to provide a bead of12.7-mm (1/2-in) wide and 12.7-mm(1/2-in) high.

Adhesive Installation of Liftgate Windows Trunklid/Tailgate/Cargo Doors

Use a cartridge-type caulking gun in order to apply a smooth,continuous bead of urethane adhesive.

Adhesive Installation of Liftgate Windows Trunklid/Tailgate/Cargo Doors

Use the edge of the window as a guide for the nozzle in orderto apply the urethane adhesive-(1) to the inner surfaceof the window-(3).

Adhesive Installation of Liftgate Windows Trunklid/Tailgate/Cargo Doors

With the aid of an assistant, place the window-(1)in the opening.Align the masking tape lines on the window and thebody.

Adhesive Installation of Liftgate Windows Trunklid/Tailgate/Cargo Doors

Note:To prevent damage to the window due to objects impacting anexposed edge, upon installation, the window must rest1-mm (0.040-in) below the surface of thesheet metal.

Press firmly around the entire periphery of the window inorder to wet-out the urethane bead.Tape the window to the body in order to minimize movementuntil the urethane adhesive cures.

Adhesive Installation of Liftgate Windows Trunklid/Tailgate/Cargo Doors

Clean any excess urethane adhesive from the body.

Adhesive Installation of Liftgate Windows Trunklid/Tailgate/Cargo Doors

Note:Do not direct a hard stream of high pressure water to thefreshly applied urethane adhesive.

Use a soft spray of warm water in order to immediately watertest the window.Inspect the window for leaks.If any leaks are found, use a plastic paddle in order toapply extra urethane adhesive at the leak point.Retest the window for leaks.

Warning:Insufficient curing of urethane adhesive may allowunrestrained occupants to be ejected from the vehicle resulting inpersonal injury.

For the moisture-curing type of urethane adhesive, allow aminimum of 6-hours at 21°C (70°F) orgreater and with at least 30 percent relative humidity. Allow atleast 24-hours for the complete curing of the urethaneadhesive.For the chemical-curing type of urethane adhesive, allow aminimum of 1-hour .

Do NOT physically disturb the repair area until after theseminimum times have elapsed.

Maintain the following conditions in order to properly curethe urethane adhesive:Partially lower a door window in order to prevent pressurebuildups when closing doors before the urethane adhesivecures.Do not drive the vehicle until the urethane adhesive iscured. Refer to the above curing times.Do not use compressed air in order to dry the urethaneadhesive.Complete the window installation.
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