Special Tools
J-39400-A Halogen Leak Detector
For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.
Removal ProcedureRecover the refrigerant. Refer toRefrigerant Recovery and Recharging.Remove the left headlamp. Refer toHeadlamp Replacement.Remove the air conditioning compressor hose nut-(1) from the air conditioning evaporatorthermal expansion valve tube hose.Remove the air conditioning compressor hose-(2) from the air conditioning evaporatorthermal expansion valve tube hose.
Remove the compressor hose nut-(1) from the condenser.Remove the compressor hose-(2) from the condenser.Raise and support the vehicle. Refer toLifting and Jacking the Vehicle.Disconnect the electrical connector from the air conditioning refrigerant pressuresensor valve.
Remove the compressor hose nut-(1) at the compressor.Remove the compressor hose-(2) from the compressor.Remove the compressor hose from the vehicle.Remove and discard the sealing washers from the compressor hose. Refer toAir Conditioning System Seal Replacement.Installation Procedure
Install new seal washers to the compressor hose. Refer toAir Conditioning System Seal Replacement.Install the compressor hose-(2) to the compressor.
Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.
Install the compressor hose nut-(1) to the compressor and tighten the nut to 22-Y (16-lb-ft).Connect the electrical connector to the air conditioning refrigerant pressure sensorvalve.Lower the vehicle.Position the compressor hose in the vehicle.Install a new sealing washer to the air conditioning evaporator thermal expansionvalve tube hose. Refer toAir Conditioning System Seal Replacement.Install the air conditioning evaporator thermal expansion valve tube hose-(2) to thecompressor hose.Install the compressor hose nut-(1) to the air conditioning evaporator thermal expansionvalve tube hose and tighten the nut to 22-Y (16-lb-ft).
Install a new sealing washer to the compressor hose at the condenser. Refer toAir Conditioning System Seal Replacement.Install the compressor hose-(2) to the condenser.Install the compressor hose nut-(1) to the condenser and tighten to 22-Y (16-lb-ft).Install the left headlamp. Refer toHeadlamp Replacement.Recharge the A/C system. Refer toRefrigerant Recovery and Recharging.Test the affected A/C joints for leaks using J-39400-A halogen leak detector.
Propeller Shaft Phasing Correction Driveshafts Propeller Shaft Assembly
One Piece Propeller Shaft Phasing CorrectionAn out of phase single-piece propeller shaft is very unusual.If the phasing inspection procedure revealed that prop shaft is notphased correctly, the welded yokes are in the wrong position, orthe shaft is damaged due to twisting and the propeller shaftrequ ...