Preliminary Procedure Open and support hood in order to access the air inlet grillepanel extension. | |
1 | Air Inlet Grille Panel Extension ProcedureRelease the tabs securing the air inlet grille panelextension to the rear upper fender flange and air inletgrille.Disengage the rearward edge of the extension from under thetop edge of the fender flange.Remove the air inlet grille panel extension from thevehicle. |
Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers Wheels
Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and SealersApplicationType of MaterialGM Part NumberCanadian Part NumberAluminum WheelAdhesive/Sealant1237847888900041WheelMounting Lubricant1234588488863415Wheel to HubLubricant1051344993037 ...