Removal ProcedureRecord all of the radio station presets.Disconnect the battery negative cable. Refer toBattery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection.
Remove the battery positive post clampnut-(2).Remove battery positive terminal-(1) at the fuseblock.Disconnect retainers-(3) holding battery positivecable-(4).
Remove generator nut-(1) from the generator B+stud.Remove the starter solenoid nut-(2).Remove the battery positive (Starter) cable-(4)and the battery positive (Generator) cable-(5) from thevehicle.Remove the retainers-(3) holding the batterypositive cables to the engine.
Note:Observe how the battery positive cable was routed within theengine compartment.
Installation ProcedureCaution:Refer toFastener Caution.
Install the battery positive cable nut-(2) to theB+ generator stud and tighten to20-Y(15-lb-ft).Install battery positive cable nut-(2) andterminals (Starter/Generator),to the starter solenoid.Tighten to10-Y(88-lb-in)Install retainers-(3) to the engine.Install the battery positive cable terminalnut-(1) to the fuse block and tighten to16-Y(12-lb-ft).Install battery positive cable clamp nut-(2) tothe battery post and tighten to10-Y(88-lb-in)Install engine control module (ECM) and battery cover.Reset the radio channel presets.
Drunk Driving
Death and injury associated with
drinking and driving is a global
Drinking and then driving is very
dangerous. Your reflexes,
perceptions, attentiveness, and
judgment can be affected by even
a small amount of alcohol. You
can have a serious - or even
f ...