Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Belt Dressing Caution

Caution:Do not use belt dressing on the drive belt. Belt dressingcauses the breakdown of the composition of the drive belt. Failureto follow this recommendation will damage the drive belt.

Machined Surface Damage Caution
Caution:Do not nick, scratch or damage the sealing surface. Thesealing surface is a machined surface. Damage to the machinedsurface can cause leakage. ...

Valve Lifter Priming Caution
Caution:Ensure each valve lifter is filled with clean engine oil andthe valve lifter does not tip over (plunger down) before theinstallation of the valve lifters. The loss of oil in the valvelifter lo ...

Other materials:

Air Conditioning Clutch Drive Plate Adjustment Flywheel/Flexplate
Install the clutch plate assembly.Note:Ensure the drive plate does not drag against the pulley whenthe pulley is rotated.Measure the air gap between the pulley and the drive plate.Adjust the shims to achieve a 0.30–0.60-mm(0.011–0.023-in) air gap.Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.Install the clut ...

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