Removal ProcedureDisable the SIR System. Refer toSIR Disabling and Enabling.Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer toBattery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection.
Warning:Refer toApproved Equipment for Collision Repair Warning.
Note:The service B-Pillar will come as a completeassembly and the center B-Pillar Reinforcement isconstructed of ultra high strength steel (martensitic) and can notbe sectioned. It can only be replaced as a one piece unit.
Remove all related panels andcomponents-(1).Repair as much of the damaged area as possible. Refer toDimensions - Body.Remove the sealers and anti-corrosion materialsfrom the repair area, as necessary. Refer toAnti-Corrosion Treatment and Repair.Note:Note the number and location of the factory welds forinstallation of the inner pillar lock front door.
Locate and drill out all the necessary factorywelds-(1).Remove the Center B-Pillar from the factoryseams-(1).Installation Procedure
Note:If the location of the original plug weld holes can not bedetermined, space the plug weld holes every 40-mm(1-in) apart.
Drill 8-mm (5/16-in) plug weld holes inthe service part as necessary in the corresponding locations notedon the original panel-(1).Prepare all mating surfaces for welding as necessary.Apply GM approved Weld-Thru Coating or equivalent to allmating surfaces. Refer toAnti-Corrosion Treatment and Repair.Position the service part on the vehicle using3-dimensional measuring equipment. Clamp the part inplace.Plug weld accordingly-(1).Clean and prepare all welded surfaces.Apply the sealers and anti-corrosion materials to the repairarea, as necessary. Refer toAnti-Corrosion Treatment and Repair.Paint the repair area. Refer toBasecoat/Clearcoat Paint Systems.Install all related panels and components.Connect the negative battery cable. Refer toBattery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection.Enable the SIR system. Refer toSIR Disabling and Enabling
Engine Front Cover and Oil Pump Installation Engine Block Cylinder Block Cyl Block Front Cover
Install the engine front cover-(1) with a newgasket-(2).Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.Note:The center bolt-(1) should be tightenedlast.Install the engine front cover bolts and tighten to25-Y-(18-lb-ft).Install the long water pump bolt-(1) and tightento25-Y-(18-lb-ft).Install the accessory drive b ...