The charging system light comes on briefly when the ignition is turned on, but the engine is not running, as a check to show the light is working.
The light turns off when the engine is started. If it does not, have the vehicle serviced by your dealer.
If the light stays on, or comes on while driving, there may be a problem with the electrical charging system. Have it checked by your dealer. Driving while this light is on could drain the battery.
When this light comes on, the Driver Information Center (DIC) also displays a message.
If a short distance must be driven with the light on, be sure to turn off all accessories, such as the radio and air conditioner.
#09-06-04-026G: Identifying Non-GM (Aftermarket) Engine and Transmission Calibrations for V6 and V8 Gasoline Engines Using Tech 2 or Global Diagnostic...
Subject:Identifying Non-GM (Aftermarket) Engine and Transmission Calibrations for V6 and V8Gasoline Engines Using Tech 2® or Global Diagnostic System 2 (GDS 2)Models: 2006-2014 GM Passenger Cars and Light Duty Trucks — Equipped With Any V8 GasolineEngine2012-2014 Chevrolet Camaro — Equipped Wi ...