Removal ProcedureRemove the transmission control valve body cover. Refer toControl Valve Body Cover Replacement.
Disconnect the input speed sensor electrical connector-(1).Disconnect the output speed sensor electrical connector-(2).Disconnect the shift position switch electrical connector-(3).
Remove the 3-control solenoid valve assembly bolts-(1) M5 x 40.5.Remove the 12-control solenoid valve assembly bolts-(2) M6 x 97.Remove the control solenoid valve assembly with transmission control module-(3).
Caution:Use care when removing or installing the filter plateassembly. A broken or missing retaining tab may not adequatelysecure the filter plate to the control solenoid valve assembly,resulting in possible damage or contamination.
Remove the control solenoid valve assembly filter plate-(4). Discard the filter plate.It is not reusable.Inspect the channel plate bolt pass through holes for damage or brinelling. Any damagewill cause incorrect pressure switch operation. Replace as necessary.Installation ProcedureCaution:Use care when removing or installing the filter plateassembly. A broken or missing retaining tab may not adequatelysecure the filter plate to the control solenoid valve assembly,resulting in possible damage or contamination.
Install a NEW control solenoid valve assembly filter plate-(4) to prevent fluid leakspast the fluid seals.Install the control solenoid valve assembly with transmission control module-(3).Hand start the control valve body bolts-(1,-2).Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.
Secure the 12-control solenoid valve assembly bolts-(2) M6 x 97 and tighten in sequenceto 10-Y (89-lb-in).Secure the 3-control solenoid valve assembly bolts-(1) M5 x 40.5 and tighten in sequenceto 7-Y (62-lb-in).Connect the input speed sensor electrical connector-(1).Connect the output speed sensor electrical connector-(2).Connect the shift position switch electrical connector-(3).Install the transmission control valve body cover. Refer toControl Valve Body Cover Replacement.If a NEW TCM has been installed into the vehicle, the NEW module needs to be reprogrammed.Refer toService Programming System (SPS).
Note:The Transmission Adaptive Values Learn procedure must be performed when one of thefollowing repairs have been made to the vehicle. Failure to perform the procedureafter one of the following repairs may result in poor transmission performance, aswell as transmission DTCs being set:
Transmission internal service/overhaulValve body repair or replacementControl solenoid valve assembly replacementTCM software/calibration updateAny service in response to a shift quality concernPerform the Transmission Adaptive Values Learn procedure. Refer toTransmission Adaptive Values Learn.All Seasons Tires Description Wheels
Most Saturn vehicles are equipped with steel beltedall-season radial tires as standard equipment. These tires qualifyas snow tires, with a higher than average rating for snow tractionthan the non-all season radial tires previously used. Otherperformance areas, such as wet traction, rolling resistanc ...