Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Defroster Outlet Warning

Warning:If broken glass falls into the defroster outlets, it can be blown into the passengercompartment and cause personal injury.

Gasoline/Gasoline Vapors Warning
Warning:Gasoline or gasoline vapors are highly flammable. A firecould occur if an ignition source is present. Never drain or storegasoline or diesel fuel in an open container, due to thepossibility of ...

Exhaust Service Warning
Warning:In order to avoid being burned, do not service the exhaustsystem while it is still hot. Service the system when it iscool. ...

Other materials:

Floor Carpet Drying Floorlining and Carpets
If the carpet or the pad or insulator is wet, use thefollowing criteria for drying or for replacing thecomponents:For a 1-piece carpet assembly bonded to a cotton or a fiberpadding, replace the entire assembly.For a 2-piece carpet assembly with a cotton or a fiberpadding, replace the padding only. W ...

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