If the transmission is in 1st, 2nd or 3rd gear during a transmission electrical componentfailure, the transmission will default to 3rd-gear. All solenoids will default totheir normal state. If the torque converter clutch was applied, it will release. Thisdefault action will enable the vehicle to be safely driven to a service center.
1-2-3-4 Clutch Stays AppliedShift Solenoid 2
Shift solenoid-2 defaults to it's normally-closed state (OFF), and SOL-2 fluid exhauststhrough the solenoid.
Clutch Select Valve 3
Solenoid-2 fluid pressure no longer holds the clutch select valve-3 open. When thevalve moves back to the closed position, it opens the 1234-clutch default fluid circuit,and 1234-default fluid is routed to the 1-2-3-4-clutch regulator valve.
1-2-3-4 Clutch Regulator Valve
With the absence of PCS-1234 clutch fluid, due to the default state of the 1234-pressurecontrol solenoid-5, the 1-2-3-4-regulator valve would close from spring force. However,the 1234-clutch default fluid enters behind the 1-2-3-4-regulator shuttle valve andkeeps the valve in the open position.
1-2-3-4 Clutch
With the 1-2-3-4-clutch regulator valve still held in the open position, the 1-2-3-4-clutchwill stay applied.
3-5 Reverse Clutch Applied or Applies35R Pressure Control Solenoid 2
The normal state for the 35R-pressure control solenoid-2 is ON, therefore PSC-35 reverseclutch fluid will still be routed to the 3-5-reverse clutch regulator valve and the3-5-reverse clutch boost valve.
3-5 Reverse Clutch Regulator Valve
PCS-3-5 reverse clutch fluid moves the 3-5-reverse clutch regulator valve against3-5-reverse clutch regulator valve spring force and 3-5-reverse clutch feedback fluid.This allows 3-5-reverse feed to pass through the valve and enter the 3-5-reverse clutchcircuit. 3-5-reverse clutch fluid is then routed to the 3-5-reverse clutch, the 3-5-reverseboost valve and the clutchselect valve-2. When the 3-5-reverse clutch regulator valve is in this position, PS2-fluidfrom the pressure switch-2 exhausts through the valve, allowing the switch to close.
3-5 Reverse Clutch Boost Valve
PCS-3-5 reverse clutch fluid pressure acts on a differential area moving the 3-5-reverseclutch boost valve against the 3-5-reverse clutch boost valve spring. The 3-5-reverseclutch fluid passes through the valve and enters the 3-5-reverse clutch feedback circuit.As PCS-3-5 reverse clutch fluid pressure is increased to a given value, the 3-5-reverseclutch boost valve opens the 3-5-reverseclutch feedback circuit to exhaust. This results in the 3-5-reverse clutch regulatorvalve moving to the full feed position sending full 3-5-reverse clutch feed pressure(full line pressure) to the clutch.
3-5 Reverse Clutch
The 3-5-reverse clutch fluid enters the 3-5-reverse/456 clutch housing to move thepiston against spring force to apply the 3-5-reverse clutch plates.
Drive Range, Third Gear DefaultDrive and Driven Sprocket, Drive Link, and Park Pawl Installation (6T40/45/50) Automatic Transmission Unit
Drive and Driven Sprocket, Drive Link, and Park Pawl InstallationCalloutComponent Name1Front Differential Carrier Baffle2Front Differential Carrier Baffle Bolt-M6-x-16-(Qty:-2)Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.Tighten12-Y (106-lb-in)3Drive Link Lube Scoop Seal4Drive Link Lube Fluid Seal5Drive Link Lu ...