Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Dual Phase Steel

This information provides repair recommendations and general guidelines for steelclassified as Dual Phase Steel, also known as DP. This type of steel normally hasa tensile strength below 780-MPa.

General Motors recommends the following when repairing or replacing this type of steelduring collision repair.

Note:The use of heat to repair damage is not recommended for this classification of steel.

Recommended RepairsCold repairs can be performed on this type of steel, unless the damage includes kinks.If the damage includes kinks, the part should be replaced.Sectioning or partial replacement of this type of steel is recommended only at approvedlocations, in a specific sectioning procedure.This type of steel can be used as a sleeve, or backer plate, when recommended in aspecific sectioning procedure.Squeeze Resistance Spot Welding can be used to replace factory spot welds, where applicable.MIG plug welding and MIG stitch welding can be used on this type of steel.MIG Brazing can be used on this type of steel.
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