If the vehicle is equipped with automatic transmission and a floor mounted consolegear shift, it has an electronic park lock system (EPL). The EPL system purpose isto prevent the ignition key from being turned to the OFF position when the transmissionis in any position other than PARK and the vehicle may still be moving. The EPL systemconsists of an ignition lock cylinder solenoid, and a park position switch that islocated in theA/T shift lock control switch. The ignition lock cylinder solenoid contains a pinthat is spring loaded to mechanically prevent the ignition key cylinder from beingturned to the lock position when the vehicle transmission is not in the PARK position.If vehicle power is lost, and/or the transmission is not in the Park position theoperator will not be able to turn the ignition key to the lock position and will notbe able to remove the ignitionkey from the column.
Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Solenoid Valve Replacement Emissions Evap Evap Canister Purge
Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Solenoid Valve ReplacementCalloutComponent NamePreliminary ProcedureRemove the intake manifold cover. Refer toIntake Manifold Cover Replacement.1BoltCaution:Refer toFastener Caution.Tighten10-Y (89-lb-in)2Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Solenoid ValveProcedure ...