Special ToolsEN-38122-ACrankshaft Balancer HolderEN-43653Flywheel Holding ToolEN-45059Angle Meter
For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.
Install the flywheel.Install NEW bolts.
Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.
Note:EN-43653flywheel holding toolmay be used instead ofEN-38122-Aholderin order to prevent crankshaft rotation.
Holding the crankshaft balancer withEN-38122-Aholder, tighten the bolts evenly. Tighten the bolts to53-Y(39-lb-ft), plus25-degrees using theEN-45059meterCD Player Entertainment Audio-Visual
The CD player is capable of playing:Most audio CDsCD-RCD-RWMP3, unprotected WMA, and AAC formatsWhen playing any compatible recordable disc, the sound quality may be reduced dueto the disc, the method of recording, the quality of the music recorded, or how thedisc has been handled.There may be incre ...