If you find an error in a GM Service manual, or if you have asuggestion about a GM service manual, we want to hear fromyou.
When calling, be prepared with the followinginformation:
Your nameThe name of your dealershipThe phone number of your dealershipThe model year and the vehicle lineThe publication part number, if presentThe vehicle identification number of the vehicle on which youare workingThe service category and page numbersAny applicable electronic information element identificationnumbersA descriptive explanation of your concernThe GM service manual phone personnel will respond to yourconcerns in the following ways:
By delivering your concern to the author of theinformationBy eliciting a response from the authorBy supplying you with an answer to your concernsFor paper manual users: The GM service manual phone personnelwill also explain how to send in examples or marked-uppages.
For Electronic Manual users: Be prepared to provide anyapplicable identification numbers pertaining to the electronicinformation in question.
The GM service manual comment telephone numbers do notprovide technical assistance. For technical assistance, contactyour regular technical assistance source.
United States and Canada General Motors DealerEmployeesPlease call the following number with your comments:1-800-828-6860.
You may call Monday through Friday,8-a.m.–8-p.m. Eastern Time. Inorder to send a fax, use the following number: 248-265-9327.
Canada, French Speaking General Motors DealerEmployeesPlease call the following number with your comments:1-800-503-3222.
You may call Monday through Friday,8-a.m.–5-p.m. Eastern Time. Inorder to send a fax, use the following number: 248-265-9327.
International English Speaking General Motors DealerEmployeesPlease call the following number with your comments:248-265-0840.
You may call Monday through Friday,8-a.m.–8-p.m. Eastern Time. Inorder to send a fax, use the following number: 248-265-9327.
United States and Canadian Vehicle Owner/OperatorVehicle owners or operators are encouraged to address theircomments and concerns to the applicable Customer Assistance Center.The phone number and address of the Customer Assistance Center arein the Owner's Manual.
Control Solenoid Valve and Transmission Control Module Assembly Installation Automatic Transmission Unit
Control Solenoid Valve and Transmission Control Module Assembly InstallationCalloutComponent Name1Control Solenoid Valve Assembly Filter PlateCaution:Use care when removing or installing the filter plateassembly. A broken or missing retaining tab may not adequatelysecure the filter plate to the cont ...