Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Exterior Windnoise

Warning:Refer toAssistant Driving Warning.

Exterior windnoise is louder when the vehicle is driven withone or more windows down. Exterior windnoise occurs when air passesover the body panels, the seams, or the openings. Use the followingitems during the test drive in order to aid in the detection ofleaks:

Mechanic's stethoscope or heater hoseMasking tape–51-mm (2-in)widthStrip caulkA water soluble marking pencilWhile driving, determine the location of the exteriorwindnoise by lowering one window at a time. If the locationcorresponds with the condition in step 2, pull over and make atemporary repair with 51-mm (2-in) widemasking tape.Tape over the gaps and the moldings one at a time. Testbetween each taping. Taping over the gaps and moldings will correctthe condition.Temporarily repair the condition with masking tape. Adjustthe tape when needed.Continue testing in order to determine if the noise has beeneliminated or other leak areas exist.When all the reported leak conditions are located, makepermanent repairs using the proper alignment techniques and thesealing materials.
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