Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Front Compartment Side Rail Sectioning

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Vehicle - General / Front Compartment Side Rail Sectioning

Removal Procedure

Warning:Refer toApproved Equipment for Collision Repair Warning.

Warning:Sectioning should be performed only in the recommended areas.Failure to do so may compromise the structural integrity of thevehicle and cause personal injury if the vehicle is in acollision.

Disable the SIR system. Refer toSIR Disabling and Enabling.Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer toBattery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection.

Front Compartment Side Rail Sectioning

Remove all of the related panels and the components.Remove the sealers and anti-corrosion materials from the repair area, as necessary.Refer toAnti-Corrosion Treatment and Repair.Repair as much of the damage as possible to factory specifications. Refer toDimensions - Body.

Front Compartment Side Rail Sectioning

Locate the die marks on the inner and outer halves of the front rail.

Front Compartment Side Rail Sectioning

Note:Do not section the rail except where indicated.

Measure forward of the straight line shown on the die marks 7-mm (¼-in). Mark therail at both die mark locations.

Front Compartment Side Rail Sectioning

At the marks made forward of the die marks, align a sliding square or similar toolto the bottom side of the front rail. Scribe a line 360-degrees around the frame rail,7-mm (¼-in) forward of the die marks-(1).

Front Compartment Side Rail Sectioning

Cut the rail at the marked location.

Front Compartment Side Rail Sectioning

Remove the damaged component from the vehicle.Installation Procedure

Front Compartment Side Rail Sectioning

Cut the upper and lower inner and outer corners of the frame rail. Cut at the beginningand the end of the radius at each corner rearward 7-mm (¼-in) to the scribe line.Bend each side of the rail inward by aligning a vice grip flanging tool or similartool to the scribe line. Bend a 7-mm (¼-in) flange inward slightly. This flange isthe welding backer.

Front Compartment Side Rail Sectioning

Prepare the sectioning weld area as necessary for welding.

Front Compartment Side Rail Sectioning

Locate the die marks on the service part front rail.Scribe a line completely around the service rail at the line in the die mark by aligninga sliding square or similar tool to the bottom edge of the front rail service part.

Front Compartment Side Rail Sectioning

Cut at the marked location. Remove the front portion of the rail.Prepare the cut edge of the front rail section for welding.Apply 3M Weld-Thru Coating P/N-05916 or equivalent to all mating surfaces.

Front Compartment Side Rail Sectioning

Position the front rail section using 3-dimensional measuring equipment. Clamp theservice part in place.

Front Compartment Side Rail Sectioning

Tack weld the part into position.Inspect the service rail for proper dimensions using 3-dimensional measuring equipment.Stitch weld along the entire sectioning joint. Make 25-mm (1-in) welds along the seamwith 25-mm (1-in) gaps between.Complete the stitch weld.Clean and prepare the welded surfaces.Install all of the related panels and components.Apply the sealers and anti-corrosion materials to the repair area, as necessary. RefertoAnti-Corrosion Treatment and Repair.Paint the repaired area. Refer toAnti-Corrosion Treatment and Repair.Enable the SIR system. Refer toSIR Disabling and Enabling.Connect the negative battery cable. Refer toBattery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection.

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