Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Front Differential Transfer Drive Gear Support Assembly Disassemble Automatic Transmission Unit

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Transmission/Transaxle / Front Differential Transfer Drive Gear Support Assembly Disassemble Automatic Transmission Unit

Table 1: Seal Removal
Table 2: Fluid Passage Tube Removal
Seal Removal

Front Differential Transfer Drive Gear Support Assembly Disassemble Automatic Transmission Unit

Seal Removal


Component Name

Caution:Do not remove the transfer drive gear bearing retaining nut.The drive gear and bearing are not serviceable. Removing theretaining nut will damage the support.

Preliminary ProcedureInspect the support assembly for damage or wear to the splines, bushings, machinedsurfaces and threaded holes.Inspect the transfer drive gear for damage or wear.Inspect the transfer drive gear bearing assembly for proper operation.The bearing should roll smoothly and quietly.


Front Differential Transfer Drive Gear Support Seal

Special ToolsDT 23129 Universal Seal RemoverGE 6125-1B Slide Hammer with Adapter or equivalent

For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.


Front Differential Transfer Drive Gear Support Torque Converter Fluid Seal Assembly

Fluid Passage Tube Removal

Front Differential Transfer Drive Gear Support Assembly Disassemble Automatic Transmission Unit

Fluid Passage Tube Removal


Component Name

Caution:Do not remove the transfer drive gear bearing retaining nut.The drive gear and bearing are not serviceable. Removing theretaining nut will damage the support.

Preliminary ProceduresInspect the support assembly for damage or wear to the splines, bushings, machinedsurfaces and threaded holes.Inspect the transfer drive gear for damage or wear.Inspect the transfer drive gear bearing assembly for proper operation.The bearing should roll smoothly and quietly.


Front Differential Transfer Drive Gear Fluid Passage Tube Bolt-M6-x-15 (Qty: 2)


Front Differential Transfer Drive Gear Fluid Passage Tube Bolt-M5-x-12 (Qty: 2)


Fluid Passage Tube Assembly

Note:Inspect the tubes for damage, wear or cracked welds.


Front Differential Transfer Drive Gear Support Fluid Passage Tube Gasket


Front Differential Transfer Drive Gear Support Seal

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