Preliminary ProceduresRemove the front side door trim panel. Refer toFront Side Door Trim Panel Replacement.Remove the front side door garnish molding. Refer toFront Side Door Garnish Molding Replacement.Remove the outside rearview mirror. Refer toOutside Rearview Mirror Replacement. | |
1 | Front Side Door Window Upper Reveal Molding Fastener(Qty:-5) Warning:Refer toGlass and Sheet Metal Handling Warning. ProcedureOne clip is located on the inner upper door frame.Lower the window to the fully down position.Apply masking tape to the applique to protect thefinish.Pull the front side door window weatherstrip from the doorframe to expose the rivets.When drilling cover/protect the interior trim and door fromthe metal shavings.Use a suitable tool, drill out the rivets from the doorframe. |
2 | Front Side Door Window Upper Reveal Molding ProcedureUse a suitable tool, install the rivets in the front sidedoor frame.Start at the rear of the front door edge, fully seat themolding before installing the rivets.Inspect the operation of the window before installing thedoor trim panel. |
Mode Control Cam Replacement
Mode Control Cam ReplacementCalloutComponent NamePreliminary ProceduresDisconnect the negative battery cable. Refer toBattery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection.Remove instrument Panel – left side. Refer toInstrument Panel Insulator Panel Replacement - Left Side.Remove mode valve actuator ...