Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Front Wheel Bearing and Hub Replacement Wheel Hub

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Chassis / Suspension / Front Wheel Bearing and Hub Replacement Wheel Hub

Front Wheel Bearing and Hub Replacement Wheel Hub

Front Wheel Bearing and Hub Replacement


Component Name

Preliminary ProceduresRaise and support the vehicle. Refer toLifting and Jacking the Vehicle.Remove the tire and wheel assembly. Refer toTire and Wheel Removal and Installation.Remove the front wheel drive shaft nut. Refer toFront Wheel Drive Shaft Replacement.Remove the front brake rotor. Refer toFront Brake Rotor Replacement.Remove the front wheel speed sensor. Refer toFront Wheel Speed Sensor Replacement.


Front Wheel Bearing and Hub Assembly Bolt (Qty:-3)

Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.

ProcedureUse the proper cleaner on the front wheel bearing and hub assembly bolt threads.Apply new threadlocker on 2/3 of the length of all front wheel bearing and hub assemblybolts. Refer toAdhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers.

Note:Allow the new threadlocker to set for-10-minutes before using.


100-Y (74-lb-ft)


Front Wheel Bearing and Hub Assembly

Note:If removing the front wheel bearing and hub assembly to service other components,support the front wheel drive shaft with mechanic’s wire.

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Other materials:

Lubrication Description
Oil is applied under pressure to the crankshaft-(1), connecting rods, balance shaftassembly, camshaft bearing surfaces, valve lash adjusters and timing chain hydraulictensioner. All other moving parts are lubricated by gravity flow or splash. Oil entersthe gerotor type oil pump through a fixed inlet ...

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