Special Tools
J-35910Drive Axle Seal Clamp Pliers
Note:The tripot assembly and the internal parts for the tripotassembly are not service. If the tripot assembly is found to haveexcessive wear or damaged, replace the wheel drive shaft as anassembly.
Disassemble ProcedureRemove the wheel drive shaft from the vehicle. Refer toFront Wheel Drive Shaft Replacement.Position wheel drive shaft bar in a soft jawed vise and clampsecurely.
Using a flat-bladed tool, remove boot retainingclamp-(2)-from theboot-(3)-for the tripodhousing-(1).Using side cutters, remove the bootclamp-(4)-from theboot-(3)-for the wheel driveshaft-(5).
Remove the tripod housing-(1)-from thewheel drive shaft-(2).
Remove the retaining clip-(1)-and thetripod spider-(2)-from the wheel driveshaft-(3).
Remove the boot-(1)-from the wheeldrive shaft-(2).Inspect the wheel drive shaft inner joint for damage andexcessive wear. Refer toWheel Drive Shaft Inner Joint Inspection.Assemble Procedure
Note:Ensure the seal clamp is positioned correctly in the sealgroove.
Position the boot-(1)-on the wheeldrive shaft-(2).Install the tripot spiderassembly-(2)-to the wheel driveshaft-(3), until seated against shoulder.Install the retaining ring-(1)-in thewheel drive shaft.Place approximately half of the grease in the kit to the sealand place the remainder in the tripot housing.
Install the tripod housing-(1)-on thewheel drive shaft-(2).
Install the boot clamp-(2)-on theboot-(3)-for the tripodhousing-(1).Install the boot clamp-(4)-on theboot-(3)-for the wheeldrive-(5).
Using theJ-35910pliersbreaker bar, torque wrench and or ratchet-(1) ,close the boot clamp-(2)- until thegap-(3)- measures2.15-mm(0.085-in).
Using theJ-35910pliers-(3), breaker bar-(5), torque wrenchand or ratchet-(4), close the clamp until thegap-(6)-measures1.9-mm(0.070-in).Rotate the housing in a circular motion to distribute thegrease in the tripot joint.Install the wheel drive shaft from the vehicle. Refer toFront Wheel Drive Shaft Replacement.
Vibration Theory and Terminology
Vibration TheoryThe designs and engineering requirements of vehicles haveundergone drastic changes over the last several years.Vehicles are stiffer and provide more isolation from roadinput than they did previously. The structures of today's stiffervehicles are less susceptible to many of the vibrat ...