Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Full-Cut Method Description

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Body / Glass & Windows / Full-Cut Method Description


If corrosion of the pinch-weld flange is present, or if sheetmetal repairs or replacements are required, refinish the pinch-weldflange in order to present a clean, primer-only surface.If paint repairs are required, mask the flange bonding area,prior to applying the color coat, in order to provide a clean,primer-only surface.Appropriate materials for these primer applications aretypically 2 component catalyzed products. Use materials such asBASF-DE15®, DuPont-2610®,Sherwin-Williams PSE-4600 and NP70® andMartin-Semour-5120 ,5130® ,PPG-DP90LF SPIES/HECKER-3688/8590 –3688/5150 – 4070/5090 STANDOX-11158/13320– 14653/14980 products are approved for this application.Follow the manufacturer's directions for the mix, the application,and the drying times.After repairing the opening as indicated, use adhesivesystems which meet GM Specification GM-3651G.

Use only the full cut method, also known in the field as fullstrip method, when installing windows.

This method includes the following:

The replacement of a majority of the adhesive bead. Removeall but approximately 2 mm-(3/64-in) of theexisting bead of adhesive from the pinch-weld flange.Apply pinch-weld primer to any exposed painted areas on thepinch-weld flange.

No mounds or loose pieces of adhesive should remain on thepinch-weld flange. Do not remove all traces of adhesive.

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