Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Garage Door Opener Programming and Setup

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Accessories / Homelink / Garage Door Opener Programming and Setup

Replace and Program ECU or Reprogram ECU

This ECU does not require SPS programming but does requirethe following setup procedures after a new ECU is installed:

The customer must learn the device they wish to control. Thismust be done at the device (garage door opener, electric gate,etc.) and cannot be performed at a dealership. Refer to the vehicleowner's manual for programming instructions.

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Garage Door Opener Description and Operation
The garage door opener is fixed and rolling code capable.Rolling code is a system that allows the code that the customersreceiver receives from the garage door opener to change every timethe garage do ...

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