This program is available to qualified applicants for cost reimbursement of eligible aftermarket adaptive equipment required for the vehicle, such as hand controls or a wheelchair/ scooter lift for the vehicle.
For more information on the limited offer, visit or call the GM Mobility Assistance Center at 1-800-323-9935. Text Telephone (TTY) users, call 1-800-833-9935.
General Motors of Canada also has a Mobility Program. Visit or call 1-800-GM-DRIVE (463-7483) for details. TTY users call 1-800-263-3830.
Camshaft Cover Installation - Left Side Valvetrain Camshaft
Special ToolsEN 46101 Spark Plug Tube Seal GuideEN-48383 Camshaft Retaining ToolsFor equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.Remove the EN-48383-2 from the rear of the left camshafts.Install the EN 46101 guide onto the spark plug tubes of the left cylinder head.Install the NEW camshaft cove ...