Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Headlamp Aiming Lighting Exterior Lighting Head Lamp

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Body / Body Electrical / Headlamp Aiming Lighting Exterior Lighting Head Lamp

Aiming Headlamps (Visual Aim)

Note:Some state and local laws specify requirements for headlampaim. All of these laws must be complied with when performing anyheadlamp aiming operations.

Headlamp aim should be checked:

When a new headlamp assembly is installedIf service or repairs to the front end area have (or mayhave) disturbed the headlamps or their mountingThe area will consist of a level surface large enough toallow for a vehicle and an additional 7.62-m(25-feet) measured from face of lamps to the front ofthe aiming screen.The screen will be 1.52-m (5-ft) high x3.66-m (12-ft) wide with a matte whitesurface well shaded from extraneous light, and properly adjusted tothe floor on which the vehicle stands. Provisions may be made formoving the screen so it can be aligned parallel with thevehicle.The screen shall be provided with a fixed verticalcenterline, two laterally adjustable vertical tapes, and onevertically adjustable horizontal tape.If a regular commercial aiming screen is not available, thescreen may consist of a vertical wall having a clear uninterruptedarea approximately 1.83-m (6-ft) high and3.66-m (12-ft) wide. The surface should befinished with a washable non-gloss white paint.After the aiming screen has been set up in its permanentlocation, it is necessary to paint a reference line on the floordirectly under the lens of the lamps to indicate the properlocation of the headlamps when they are being aimed:Distance between headlampsCenter line of screenAdjustable vertical pointerAdjustable horizontal tapeDiagram of light screenVertical center line ahead of right headlamp pointerposition7.62-m (25-ft)Car axisAdjustable vertical pointerHorizontal center line of lampsVertical center line ahead of left headlamp

Prior to aiming the headlamps, the following steps must betaken:

Remove any snow, ice or mud from the vehicle.The vehicle must have a full tank of gas.Stop all other work on the vehicle.If any service has been performed on the vehicle, make surethat all of the components are back in their original place.The vehicle must be on a level surface.

Headlamp Aiming Lighting Exterior Lighting Head Lamp

The vehicle left tires must be aligned with the referenceline-(a) extending from the screen with the headlampsaligned with the vertical reference line-(2)..Do not load any cargo in the vehicle.The vehicle must contain one person or 72.56-kg(160-lb) on the driver seat.Inflate the tires to the proper pressure.Simulate the vehicle loads if the intended use of the vehicleis for hauling heavy loads or towing a trailer.Rock the vehicle in order to stabilize the suspension.Turn on the headlamps to low beam and observe the left andthe top edges of the high intensity zone on the screen. The edgesof the high intensity zone should fall within thespecifications.Headlamp Aiming ProcedureOpen the hood.

Headlamp Aiming Lighting Exterior Lighting Head Lamp

Measure from the floor to the center of the headlamp bulb.Some headlamps have an aim dot marked on the headlamp lens.At the screen, measure from the floor and place thehorizontal tape at the measured distance.Measure from the reference line on the floor to the leftheadlamp bulb centerline.At the screen, measure from the reference line and place thevertical tape at the measured distance.Measure from the reference line on the floor to the rightheadlamp bulb centerline.At the screen, measure from the reference line and place thevertical tape at the measured distance.

Headlamp Aiming Lighting Exterior Lighting Head Lamp

Note:Do not cover the headlamp, this may cause excessive heatbuild up.

Turn ON the low beam headlamps and block the light fromprojecting onto the screen from the passenger side headlamp.

Headlamp Aiming Lighting Exterior Lighting Head Lamp

Note:Horizontal headlamp adjustment does not exist.

Adjust the vertical aim of the headlamps to thespecifications required by the state and the local authorities, oras shown in step number-8.Rotate the headlamp adjuster to change the vertical aim ofthe headlamp.Repeat the aiming procedure for the passenger side headlampwhile blocking the light from projecting onto the screen from thedriver side headlamp.Close the hood.
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