: If equipped with a heated
steering wheel, press to turn on or
off. A light near the button displays
when the feature is turned on.
The steering wheel takes about three minutes to start heating.
Presson the steering wheel pad
to sound the horn.
#PI0018B: Front or Rear Side Door Window Binds, Moves Slowly, Makes Rattle/Squeak Noise, Poor Fit/Misalignment or is Inoperative - (Nov 8, 2013) Doors
Subject:Front or Rear Side Door Window Binds, Moves Slowly, Makes Rattle/Squeak Noise, PoorFit/Misalignment or is InoperativeModels: 2008-2014 GM Cars and Light Duty Trucks This PI has been revised to add the 2014 model year. Please discard PI0018A.Condition/ConcernSome customers may comment th ...