Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Owners Manual: Hill Start Assist (HSA)

This vehicle has a Hill Start Assist (HSA) feature, which may be useful when the vehicle is stopped on a grade sufficient enough to activate HSA. This feature is designed to prevent the vehicle from rolling, either forward or rearward, during vehicle drive off. After the driver completely stops and holds the vehicle in a complete standstill on a grade, HSA will be automatically activated. During the transition period between when the driver releases the brake pedal and starts to accelerate to drive off on a grade, HSA holds the braking pressure for a maximum of two seconds to ensure that there is no rolling. The brakes will automatically release when the accelerator pedal is applied within the two-second window. It will not activate if the vehicle is in a drive gear and facing downhill, or if the vehicle is facing uphill and in R (Reverse).

Brake Assist
The Brake Assist feature is designed to assist the driver in stopping or decreasing vehicle speed in emergency driving conditions. This feature uses the stability system hydraulic brake control ...

Ride Control Systems
Traction Control/ Electronic Stability Control ...

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