Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Inflatable Restraint Sensing and Diagnostic Module Scan Tool Information

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Body / Restraints / Inflatable Restraint Sensing and Diagnostic Module Scan Tool Information

Sensing and Diagnostic Module Scan Tool DataParameters


Expected Value


Operating Conditions: Ignition ON

2nd Row Left Seat Belt Reminder Sensor Pad EnableStatus


The scan tool displays if the left rear seat belt remindersensor pad is enabled to the SDM.

2nd Row Left Seat Belt Reminder Sensor Pad LearnStatus

Learned/Not Learned

The scan tool displays Learned or Not Learned. Learned isdisplayed if the left rear seat belt reminder sensor pad has beenlearned by the SDM.

2nd Row Left Seat Belt Status


The scan tool displays Buckled or Unbuckled. This is thestate of the left rear seat belt switch when the seat belt isbuckled or unbuckled.

2nd Row Middle Seat Belt Reminder Sensor Pad EnableStatus


The scan tool displays if the rear middle seat belt remindersensor pad is enabled to the SDM.

2nd Row Middle Seat Belt Reminder Sensor Pad LearnStatus

Learned/Not Learned

The scan tool displays Learned or Not Learned. Learned isdisplayed if the rear middle seat belt reminder sensor pad has beenlearned by the SDM.

2nd Row Middle Seat Belt Status


The scan tool displays Buckled or Unbuckled. This is thestate of the middle rear seat belt switch when the seat belt isbuckled or unbuckled.

2nd Row Middle Seat Belt Reminder Sensor Pad EnableStatus


The scan tool displays if the rear right seat belt remindersensor pad is enabled to the SDM.

2nd Row Middle Seat Belt Reminder Sensor Pad LearnStatus

Learned/Not Learned

The scan tool displays Learned or Not Learned. Learned isdisplayed if the rear right seat belt reminder sensor pad has beenlearned by the SDM.

2nd Row Right Seat Belt Status


The scan tool displays Buckled or Unbuckled. This is thestate of the right rear seat belt switch when the seat belt isbuckled or unbuckled.

Air Bag Malfunction Indicator


The scan tool will display On or Flashes if there is aproblem with the SIR system. Any problems within the SIR systemwill illuminate the air bag indicator. The indicator will eitherflash or stay on.

Base Model Part Number

Varies, 8 Digit Number

The scan tool displays the part number of the SDM which isstored in non volatile memory.

Calibration Part Number

Varies, 8 Digit Number

The scan tool displays the part number of the calibrationfile in the SDM.

Deployment Loop 1-18 Enable Status


The scan tool displays Enabled or Disabled. This is thestatus of the air bag or pretensioner.

Deployment Loop 1-18 Learn Status

Learned/Not Learned

The scan tool displays Learned or Not learned. Learned isdisplayed if the SDM has defined the number loop programmed from anair bag or pretensioner.

Deployment Loop 1-18 Resistance

1.44–4.25 Ohms

The scan tool displays the resistance of the learned loop ofthe air bag or pretensioner when connected to the SDM.

Deployment Loop 1-18 Type


The scan tool displays the name of the air bag orpretensioner associated with the loop type 1–18.

Driver Seat Belt Reminder Indicator


The scan tool displays On if this indicator is on. If theindicator is on it means the seat belt has not been buckled.

Driver Seat Belt Sensor Enable Status


The scan tool displays if the seat belt sensor in the seatbelt buckle is enabled to the SDM.

Driver Seat Belt Sensor Learn Status

Learned/Not learned

The scan tool displays Learned or Not Learned. Learned isdisplayed if the driver seat belt sensor has been learned by theSDM.

Driver Seat Belt Status


The scan tool displays Buckled or Unbuckled. This is thestate of the driver seat belt switch when the seat belt is buckledor unbuckled.

Driver Seat Position Sensor


The scan tool will display if the driver seat is forward orrearward of the sensor set position.

Driver Seat Position Sensor Enable Status


The scan tool displays if the seat position sensor is enabledto the SDM.

Driver Seat Position Sensor Learn Status

Learned/Not Learned

The scan tool displays Learned or Not Learned. Learned isdisplayed if the driver seat position sensor has been learned bythe SDM.

End Model Part Number

Varies, 8 Digit Number

The scan tool displays the part number of the SDM inproduction.

Impact Sensor 1-8 Enable Status


The scan tool displays Enabled or Disabled This is the statusof the impact sensor.

Impact Sensor 1-8 Learn Status

Learned/Not Learned

The scan tool displays Learned or Not learned. Learned isdisplayed if the SDM has learned and has assigned a number to thatimpact sensor.

Impact Sensor 1-8 Type

Equipped/Not Equipped

The scan tool displays the name of the impact sensorassociated with the type 1–8.

Inflatable Restraint Sensing and Diagnostic Module PrimaryKey

Hex Value

The scan tool indicates the primary key Hex value.

Manufacturer's Traceability Number

Varies, 16 Digit Number

The scan tool displays the 16 digit traceability number inthe SDM.

Module Setup


The scan tool indicates if the SDM is set up.

Passenger Air Bag Disabled Switch


The scan tool displays Off when the customer manually turnsthe passenger airbag off with this switch.

Passenger Air Bag Off Indicator


The scan tool displays Off when the passenger indicator isnot illuminated. This indicator is off when the disable switch isin the off position or no one is sitting in the passengerseat.

Passenger Air Bag On Indicator


The scan tool displays On when the passenger indicator isilluminated. This indicator is on when the disable switch is in theon position and someone is sitting in the passenger seat.

Passenger Air Bag Status


The scan tool displays if the passenger air bag is enabled tothe SDM.

Passenger Air Bag Disable Indicator Enable Status


The scan tool displays if the passenger air bag disableindicator is enabled to the SDM.

Passenger Air Bag Disable Indicator Learn Status

Learned/Not Learned

The scan tool displays Learned or Not Learned. Learned isdisplayed if the SDM has learned the status of the passenger airbag disable indicator.

Passenger Air Bag Disable Switch Enable Status


The scan tool displays if the passenger air bag disableswitch is enabled to the SDM.

Passenger Air Bag Disable Switch Learn Status

Learned/Not Learned

The scan tool displays Learned or Not Learned. Learned isdisplayed if the SDM has learned the status of the passenger airbag disable switch.

Passenger Air Bag Enable Indicator Enable Status


The scan tool displays if the passenger air bag enableindicator is enabled to the SDM.

Passenger Air Bag Enable Indicator Learn Status

Learned/Not Learned

The scan tool displays Learned or Not Learned. Learned isdisplayed if the SDM has learned the status of the passenger airbag enable indicator.

Passenger Classification


The scan tool will display what type of individual is sittingin the passenger seat.

Passenger Presence Detection System Enable Status


The scan tool displays if the passenger presence system isenabled to the SDM.

Passenger Presence Detection System Learn Status

Learned/Not Learned

The scan tool displays Learned or Not Learned. Learned isdisplayed if the SDM has learned the passenger presencesystem.

Passenger Presence Detection System Reporting DTC(s)


The SDM will report if there are DTCs set in the passengerpresence module.

Passenger Seat Belt Reminder Indicator


The scan tool displays On if this indicator is on. If theindicator is on it means the seat belt has not been buckled.

Passenger Seat Belt Reminder Indicator Enable Status


The scan tool displays if the passenger seat belt reminderindicator is enabled to the SDM.

Passenger Seat Belt Reminder Indicator Learn Status

Learned/Not Learned

The scan tool displays Learned or Not Learned. Learned isdisplayed if the passenger seat belt reminder indicator has beenlearned by the SDM.

Passenger Seat Belt Reminder Sensor Pad Enable Status


The scan tool displays if the passenger seat belt remindersensor pad is enabled to the SDM.

Passenger Seat Belt Reminder Sensor Pad Learn Status

Learned/Not Learned

The scan tool displays Learned or Not Learned. Learned isdisplayed if the passenger seat belt reminder sensor pad has beenlearned by the SDM.

Passenger Seat Belt Sensor Enable Status


The scan tool displays if the seat position sensor is enabledto the SDM.

Passenger Seat Belt Sensor Learn Status

Learned/Not learned

The scan tool displays Learned or Not Learned. Learned isdisplayed if the passenger seat belt sensor has been learned by theSDM.

Passenger Seat Belt Status


The scan tool displays Buckled or Unbuckled. This is thestate of the passenger seat belt switch when the seat belt isbuckled or unbuckled.

Passenger Seat Occupancy Status

Empty Seat/Occupied

The scan tool displays Occupied if someone is sitting in thepassenger seat.

Passenger Seat Position Sensor


The scan tool will display if the passenger seat is forwardor rearward of the sensor set position.

Passenger Seat Position Sensor Enable Status


The scan tool displays if the passenger seat position sensorpad is enabled to the SDM.

Passenger Seat Position Sensor Learn Status

Learned/Not Learned

The scan tool displays Learned or Not Learned. Learned isdisplayed if the passenger seat position sensor has been learned bythe SDM.

Power Mode

Off/Accessory/Run/Crank Request

The scan tool will display the power mode of thevehicle.

Primary Key Status


The scan tool displays Valid if the primary key matches whatis stored to memory in the SDM.

Primary Key Status Last Ignition Cycle


The SDM checks to see if the primary key data received isvalid.

Received Primary Key

Hex Value

The scan tool displays a Hex value indicating the SDMreceived primary key data.

Rollover Sensor Enable Status


The scan tool displays if the rollover sensor is enabled tothe SDM.

Rollover Sensor Learn Status


The scan tool displays Learned or Not Learned. Learned isdisplayed if the rollover sensor has been learned by theSDM.

Security Code Accepted


The SDM either accepts the security code or it does not. Thescan tool displays Yes if the security code has been accepted bythe SDM.

Security Code Lockout


The scan tool displays Yes if the SDM has been locked outbecause of the security code not being accepted.

Security Code Lockout Active Timer

Random Value

The SDM uses a timer before the security code is locked inthe SDM.

Security Code Programmed


The scan tool displays Yes if the SDM has been programmedwith the security code.

Security Code Programming Counter

Random Value

The SDM uses a counter for the value of the security codeprogramming.

Security Code Reset Counter

Random Value

The SDM uses a counter to reset the value of the securitycode.

Software Part Number

Varies, 8 Digit Number

The scan tool displays the software part number in theSDM.

Vehicle Identification Number

Varies, 17 Digit Number

The VIN number of the vehicle programmed into the SDM.

VIN Programmed


The scan tool displays Yes if the VIN has been programmedinto the SDM.

VIN Programming Counter

Random Value

The SDM uses this counter while programming the VIN.

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