1 | Output Carrier Assembly Note: The 6T30 and 6T40 have 4-pinions.The 6T45 and 6T50 have 5-pinions. |
2 | Output Carrier Thrust Bearing Assembly |
3 | Input Sun Gear Thrust Bearing Assembly |
4 | Input Carrier Assembly Note: The 6T30 and 6T40 have 4-pinions.The 6T45 and 6T50 have 5-pinions. |
5 | Input Sun Gear |
6 | Input Sun Gear Thrust Bearing Assembly |
7 | Input Carrier Thrust Bearing Assembly |
8 | Reaction Carrier Assembly Note:Starting in 2012, all 6T30/40/45/50 models have 3-pinion reaction carriers. The 3-pinionreaction carriers are back serviceable for all models. Original Configuration:The 6T30 and 6T40 had 3-pinions.The 6T45 and 6T50 had 4-pinions. |
9 | Reaction Carrier Sun Gear Assembly |
10 | Reaction Carrier Sun Gear Thrust Bearing Note:The sun gear thrust bearing may be stuck to the sun gear. |
11 | 3–5 Reverse and 4–5–6 Clutch Housing Assembly |
Maintenance Records
After the scheduled services are performed, record the date,odometer reading, who performed the service, and the type ofservices performed in the boxes provided. Retain all maintenancereceipts.DateOdometer ReadingServiced ByServices Performed---------------------------------------------------------- ...