Removal ProcedureRemove the control solenoid valve and transmission control module assembly. RefertoControl Solenoid Valve and Transmission Control Module Assembly Replacement.
Disconnect the input speed sensor electrical connector-(1).
Remove the input speed sensor bolt-(2) M6 x 23.Remove the input speed sensor-(3).Remove the 3-input speed sensor seals-(1).Installation Procedure
Install the 3-input speed sensor seals-(1).Install the input speed sensor-(3).
Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.
Install the input speed sensor bolt-(2) M6 x 23 and tighten to 9-Y (80-lb-in).Connect the input speed sensor electrical connector-(1).Install the control solenoid valve and transmission control module assembly. RefertoControl Solenoid Valve and Transmission Control Module Assembly Replacement.Perform the transmission adaptive values learn procedure. Refer toTransmission Adaptive Values Learn.
Front Seat Adjuster Knob Replacement Seats Front
Front Seat Adjuster Knob ReplacementCalloutComponent Name1Front Seat Adjuster Switch KnobTip:Use a flat-bladed tool to release the adjuster knob from theswitch. ...