Note:If the windshield is equipped with a black out area where theinside rearview mirror is located this procedure does not apply. Ifthe black out area is damaged, replace the windshield.
Determine the location of the mirror mounting base by markingthe outside of the windshield with a marking pencil where the basewas previously located. If it is not clear where the base wasmounted, use the following steps to determine where the base shouldbe installed:Using a measuring tape, measure the distance between thewindshield pillars from the base of the shade line .Using a marking pencil, halfway between the windshieldpillars, draw a centerline-(1) on the windshield fromthe roof panel to the windshield base.Draw a perpendicular line intersecting thecenterline-(2) at that location.
The top center of the mirror mounting base will be at theintersection of these lines.
Scrape the inside windshield glass thoroughly with a safetyrazor or utility knife in order to remove all old adhesive.If reinstalling the original mounting base, place the mirrormounting base in a suitable holding device, such as a vice.Scrape the mirror mounting base thoroughly with a safetyrazor or utility knife in order to remove all old adhesive.Clean the inside windshield glass and the mounting surface ofthe mirror mounting base thoroughly with a clean cloth saturatedwith naphtha or a 50/50-mixture (by volume) of cleanwater and isopropyl alcohol.Using the Inside Mirror Adhesive Kit, or equivalent to applya small amount of activator to the mounting surface of the mirrormounting base.Apply a small amount of activator to the windshield where themounting base is to be installed.Allow the activator to dry 5-minutes.
Note:Do not touch the mounting surface of the mirror mounting baseor the glass.
Apply 1-drop of adhesive to the center of themirror mounting base.Immediately apply the mounting base to the windshield,ensuring that the mounting base aligns correctly to the marks madeon the outside of the windshield.Hold the mounting base firmly in place for1-minute.Allow the adhesive to set for 15-minutes.Install the mirror to the mirror mounting base and fasten, ifnecessary.Connect the electrical connector and install the wire cover,if equipped.
Transfer Case Cleaning and Inspection 4WD Transfer Case
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