Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Instrument Cluster Description and Operation Gauges

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Body / Driver Info & Control / Instrument Cluster Description and Operation Gauges

Displays Test

Certain instrument cluster features are tested when theignition is turned on in order to verify the features are workingproperly. The following occurs when the ignition is turnedon:

The ABS indicator illuminates briefly.The active front steering failure indicator illuminatesbriefly.The battery indicator illuminates briefly.The brake indicator illuminates briefly.The door ajar indicator illuminates briefly.The electric park brake on indicator illuminatesbriefly.The electric park brake service/failure indicator illuminatesbriefly.The fuel level low indicator illuminates briefly.The lane departure warning indicator illuminatesbriefly.The oil pressure low indicator illuminates briefly.The park assist service indicator illuminates briefly.The press clutch indicator illuminates briefly.The rain sense indicator illuminates briefly.The security indicator illuminates briefly.The service vehicle soon indicator illuminatesbriefly.The smart beam indicator illuminates briefly.The tire pressure low indicator illuminates briefly.The electronic stability control service indicatorilluminates briefly.The electronic stability control off indicator illuminatesbriefly.Indicators and Warning Messages

Refer toIndicator/Warning Message Description and Operation.

Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge

The instrument cluster displays the engine coolanttemperature as determined by the engine control module (ECM). TheECM sends the engine coolant temperature information via a HighSpeed CAN-Bus signal to the body control module (BCM). The BCM thensends the information via a Low Speed CAN-Bus signal to theinstrument cluster to display the engine coolant temperature. Theengine coolant temperature gauge defaults to 40°C(104°F) or below if:

The ECM detects a malfunction in the engine coolanttemperature sensor circuit.The BCM detects a loss of serial data communications with theECM.The instrument cluster detects a loss of serial datacommunications with the BCM.Fuel Level Gauge

The instrument cluster displays the fuel level based on theinformation from the ECM. The ECM converts the data from the fuellevel sensors to a fuel level signal. The ECM sends the fuel levelsignal via a High Speed CAN-Bus signal to the BCM. The BCM thensends the information via a Low Speed CAN-Bus signal to theinstrument cluster to display the fuel level. If the fuel levelfalls under 11% the instrument cluster switches on the low fuellevel indicator. The fuel gauge defaults to empty if:

The ECM detects a malfunction in the fuel level sensorcircuit.The BCM detects a loss of serial data communications with theECM.The instrument cluster detects a loss of serial datacommunications with the BCM.Speedometer

The instrument cluster displays the vehicle speed based onthe information from the ECM. The ECM sends the vehicle speedinformation via a High Speed CAN-Bus signal to the BCM. The BCMthen sends the vehicle speed information via a Low Speed CAN-Bussignal to the instrument cluster in order to display the vehiclespeed, either in kilometers or miles, based on the vehiclerequirements. The speedometer defaults to 0-km/h(0-MPH) if:

The BCM detects a loss of serial data communications with theECM.The instrument cluster detects a loss of serial datacommunications with the BCM.Tachometer

The instrument cluster displays the engine speed based on theinformation from the ECM. The ECM converts the data from the enginespeed sensor to an engine revolution signal. The ECM sends theengine speed information via a High Speed CAN-Bus signal to theBCM. The BCM then sends the information via a Low Speed CAN-Bussignal to the instrument cluster to display the engine speed. Thetachometer defaults to 0-RPM if:

The ECM detects a malfunction in the engine speed sensorcircuit.The BCM detects a loss of serial data communications with theECM.The instrument cluster detects a loss of serial datacommunications with the BCM.Driver Information Center Display

In the lower middle of the instrument cluster, an additionaldisplay is installed. Its task is to give additional information,such as an odometer or error codes. This part of the instrumentcluster is available in 4 different variants, mostly depending onthe assembled engine. For further information refer toDriver Information Center (DIC) Description and Operation.

Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Resistance Gauges
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