To prevent dirt particle abrasions, regularly clean the vehicle's interior. Immediatelyremove any soils. Note that newspapers or dark garments that can transfer color tohome furnishings can also permanently transfer color to the vehicle's interior.
Use a soft bristle brush to remove dust from knobs and crevices on the instrumentcluster. Using a mild soap solution, immediately remove hand lotions, sunscreen, andinsect repellent from all interior surfaces or permanent damage may result.
Your dealer may have products for cleaning the interior. Use cleaners specificallydesigned for the surfaces being cleaned to prevent permanent damage. Apply all cleanersdirectly to the cleaning cloth. Do not spray cleaners directly on any switches orcontrols. Cleaners should be removed quickly. Never allow cleaners to remain on thesurface being cleaned for extended periods of time.
Cleaners may contain solvents that can become concentrated in the interior. Beforeusing cleaners, read and adhere to all safety instructions on the label. While cleaningthe interior, maintain adequate ventilation by opening the doors and windows.
To prevent damage, do not clean the interior using the following cleaners or techniques:
Never use a razor or any other sharp object to remove a soil from any interior surface.Never use a brush with stiff bristles.Never rub any surface aggressively or with excessive pressure.Do not use laundry detergents or dishwashing soaps with degreasers. For liquid cleaners,use approximately 20 drops per 3.8-L (1 gal) of water. A concentrated soap solutionwill leave a residue that creates streaks and attracts dirt. Do not use solutionsthat contain strong or caustic soap.Do not heavily saturate the upholstery when cleaning.Do not use solvents or cleaners containing solvents.Interior GlassTo clean, use a terry cloth fabric dampened with water. Wipe droplets left behindwith a clean dry cloth. Commercial glass cleaners may be used, if necessary, aftercleaning the interior glass with plain water.
Caution:To prevent scratching, never use abrasive cleaners on automotive glass. Abrasive cleanersor aggressive cleaning may damage the rear window defogger.
Cleaning the windshield with water during the first three to six months of ownershipwill reduce tendency to fog.
Speaker CoversVacuum around a speaker cover gently, so that the speaker will not be damaged. Cleanspots with just water and mild soap.
Coated MoldingsCoated moldings should be cleaned.
When lightly soiled, wipe with a sponge or soft lint-free cloth dampened with water.When heavily soiled, use warm soapy water.Fabric/Carpet/SuedeStart by vacuuming the surface using a soft brush attachment. If a rotating brushattachment is being used during vacuuming, only use it on the floor carpet. Beforecleaning, gently remove as much of the soil as possible using one of the followingtechniques:
Gently blot liquids with a paper towel. Continue blotting until no more soil can beremoved.For solid soils, remove as much as possible prior to vacuuming.To clean:
Saturate a clean lint-free colorfast cloth with water. Microfiber cloth is recommendedto prevent lint transfer to the fabric or carpet.Remove excess moisture by gently wringing until water does not drip from the cleaningcloth.Start on the outside edge of the soil and gently rub toward the center. Fold the cleaningcloth to a clean area frequently to prevent forcing the soil in to the fabric.Continue gently rubbing the soiled area until there is no longer any color transferfrom the soil to the cleaning cloth.If the soil is not completely removed, use a mild soap solution followed only by plainwater.If the soil is not completely removed, it may be necessary to use a commercial upholsterycleaner or spot lifter. Test a small hidden area for colorfastness before using acommercial upholstery cleaner or spot lifter. If ring formation occurs, clean theentire fabric or carpet.
Following the cleaning process, a paper towel can be used to blot excess moisture.
Cleaning High Gloss Surfaces and Vehicle Information and Radio DisplaysFor vehicles with high gloss surfaces or vehicle displays, use a microfiber clothto wipe surfaces. Before wiping the surface with the microfiber cloth, use a softbristle brush to remove dirt that could scratch the surface. Then use the microfibercloth by gently rubbing to clean. Never use window cleaners or solvents. Periodicallyhand wash the microfiber cloth separately, using mild soap. Do not use bleach or fabricsoftener. Rinsethoroughly and air dry before next use.
Caution:Do not attach a device with a suction cup to the display. This may cause damage andwould not be covered by the warranty.
Instrument Panel, Leather, Vinyl, Other Plastic Surfaces, Low Gloss Paint Surfacesand Natural Open Pore Wood SurfacesUse a soft microfiber cloth dampened with water to remove dust and loose dirt. Fora more thorough cleaning, use a soft microfiber cloth dampened with a mild soap solution.
Caution:Soaking or saturating leather, especially perforated leather, as well as other interiorsurfaces, may cause permanent damage. Wipe excess moisture from these surfaces aftercleaning and allow them to dry naturally. Never use heat, steam, spot lifters, orspot removers. Do not use cleaners that contain silicone or wax-based products. Cleanerscontaining thesesolvents can permanently change the appearance and feel of leather or soft trim andare not recommended.
Do not use cleaners that increase gloss, especially on the instrument panel. Reflectedglare can decrease visibility through the windshield under certain conditions.
Caution:Use of air fresheners may cause permanent damage to plastics and painted surfaces.If an air freshener comes in contact with any plastic or painted surface in the vehicle,blot immediately and clean with a soft cloth dampened with a mild soap solution. Damagecaused by air fresheners would not be covered by the vehicle warranty.
Cargo Cover and Convenience NetWash with warm water and mild detergent. Do not use chlorine bleach. Rinse with coldwater, and then dry completely.
Care of Safety BeltsKeep belts clean and dry.
Warning:Do not bleach or dye safety belts. It may severely weakenthem. In a crash, they might not be able to provide adequateprotection. Clean safety belts only with mild soap and lukewarmwater.
Camshaft Cover Replacement Valvetrain Camshaft
Camshaft Cover ReplacementCallousComponent NamePreliminary ProceduresRemove the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer toAir Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement.Remove the ignition coils. Refer toIgnition Coil Replacement.Remove the intake and exhaust camshaft position actuatorsolenoid valves. Refer toCamshaft ...