Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Liftgate Upper Weatherstrip Replacement Panels

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Body / Body Exterior / Liftgate Upper Weatherstrip Replacement Panels

Liftgate Upper Weatherstrip Replacement Panels

Liftgate Upper Weatherstrip Replacement


Component Name


Liftgate Upper Weatherstrip

ProcedureClean the area where the liftgate upper weatherstrip will bemounted. Use a suitable solvent with a mixture to50-percent isopropyl alcohol and 50-percentwater by volume, or high-flash naptha.Apply thumb pressure to the liftgate upper weatherstrip toensure the weatherstrip is fully seated into the retainer.
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Liftgate Weatherstrip ReplacementCalloutComponent Name1Liftgate WeatherstripProcedureClean the area where the seal will be mounted. Use a suitablesolvent with a mixture of 50-percent isopropyl alcohol ...

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