Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Measuring Frequency

Special Tools

EL–39200 Digital Multimeter (DMM)

For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.

Caution:Refer toTest Probe Caution.

The following procedure determines the frequency of a signal.

Note:Connecting the Digital Multimeter (DMM) to the circuit before pressing the Hz buttonwill allow the DMM to autorange to an appropriate range.

Apply power to the circuit.Set the DMM to the V (AC) position.Connect the positive lead of the DMM to the circuit to be tested.Connect the negative lead of the DMM to a good ground.Set to Hz on the DMM.The DMM will display the frequency measured.
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Special Tools EL–39200 Digital Multimeter (DMM)For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.Caution:Refer toTest Probe Caution.The following procedure determines the difference in voltage po ...

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Special Tools EL-39200 Digital Multimeter (DMM)For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.Caution:Refer toTest Probe Caution.The following procedure measures the voltage at a selected point ...

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