Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Memory Seats Description and Operation Seats

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Body / Seating / Memory Seats Description and Operation Seats

Memory Seat System Components

The seat memory system consists of the following components:

Driver seat adjuster switchDriver seat memory switchSeat memory control moduleSeat horizontal motor/sensorSeat front vertical motor/sensorSeat rear vertical motor/sensorSeat back recline motor/sensorMemory Seat Block Diagram

S64DSeat Adjuster Switch - DriverS47DSeat Memory Switch - DriverK40Seat Memory Control ModuleM56DSeat Recline Motor - DriverM51DSeat Horizontal Motor - DriverM55DSeat Rear Vertical Motor - DriverM50DSeat Front Vertical Motor - DriverHard-Wired

S64D-Seat Adjuster Switch – Driver

S47D-Seat Memory Switch – Driver

K40-Seat Memory Control Module

M56D-Seat Recline Motor – Driver

M51D-Seat Horizontal Motor – Driver

M55D-Seat Rear Vertical Motor – Driver

M50D-Seat Front Vertical Motor – Driver

Driver Seat Personalization Option

The seat memory control module will not perform remote memory recall and driver seateasy exit functions unless these personalization options are activated in the audiosystem, refer to Vehicle Personalization in the Owners Manual. The audio system reportsthe vehicle personalization option settings to the seat memory control module as wellas other receiving modules via GMLAN message each time the ignition switch is cycledto the ONposition. The seat memory control module will then store the seat personalizationoption settings and examine them before making a memory seat adjustment. The seatpersonalization option settings stored within the seat memory control module willnot change until the memory recall option setting in the audio system is changed andthe ignition switch is cycled to the ON position.

Driver Seat Adjuster Switch

The seat memory control module supplies a low current voltage to each signal circuitof the seat adjuster switch. When the seat switches are pressed, the appropriate signalcircuit from the seat memory control module is pulled low through the switch contactsindicating the power seat command. The seat memory control module then commands thedriver seat to move in response to the switch signals.

Seat Motors

There are 4 motors that move the position of the seat. These are the seat horizontalmotor, front vertical motor, rear vertical motor and the seat back recline motor.The horizontal motor moves the entire seat forward and rearward. Both vertical motorsrun simultaneously when the seat switch is operated in order to move the entire seatup and down. Or they can be selected independently to vertically tilt the front orrear of the seatup and down. The recline motor moves the angle of the seat back forward or rearward.

The seat memory control module controls all seat motors via half bridges that areconnected to a single power rail internal to the module. The module connects all motoroutputs on the power rail to a common reference point whenever they are not in operation.This reference point is biased to approximately 2.5-V. The seat memory control modulechecks to see if this reference voltage is shorted to ground or battery before enablingany seat motor. All seat motors operate independently of each other. Each motor containsa electronic circuit breaker (PTC), which will reset only after voltage has been removedfrom the motor.

All seat motors are reversible. For example, when the seat switch is pressed to movethe entire seat forward, ground is applied through the switch contacts and seat horizontalforward switch signal circuit to the seat memory control module. In response to thissignal, the seat memory control module applies battery voltage through the driverseat horizontal motor forward control circuit and ground through the driver seat horizontalmotorrearward control circuit to the motor. The motor runs in order to drive the entireseat forward. Moving the entire seat rearward works similarly to moving the entireseat forward, except that battery voltage and ground are applied on the opposite circuitscausing the motor to run in the opposite direction. All of the seat motors are poweredthis way.

Seat Position Sensors

The seat motors are equipped with 2-wire hall effect type position sensors internalto the motor. The sensors are monitored by the seat memory control module and areused to determine seat positions when storing or recalling memory settings. The seatmemory control module supplies the sensors with a common 12-V reference circuit andseparate signal circuits. During seat motor operation, the hall effect position sensorprovidesa determined number of pulse signals for every revolution of the motor shaft. Thesepulse signals (Counts) range from 0-–-65,535. High scan tool count values indicateforward or upward seat positions while low count values indicate rearward or downwardseat positions.

Memory Functions

Memory recalls via the memory switch require the driver to press and hold the memorybutton until the seat reaches it's memory position.

Ground from the seat memory control module is supplied at all times through the lowreference circuit to the driver seat memory switch. The module also supplies memoryset and memory recall signal circuits to the seat memory switch. When a memory recallswitch is pressed, the signal circuit from the seat memory control module is pulledlow through the switch contacts and a series of resistors indicating the memory recallrequest. In responseto this signal, the seat memory control module commands the appropriate seat motorsto move to the pre-recorded seat positions stored in memory.

There are two methods to save and recall memory positions for the driver seat andoutside rearview mirrors (also adjustable pedals and power tilt/telescoping steeringcolumn if equipped). The first method to save and recall memory positions is by usingthe memory set buttons, the second method is by using the key fob.

Unique memory positions may be saved for up to 5-drivers. Two unique memory positionscan be saved via memory recall switches 1 and 2. To save memory positions for driver-1:

Adjust the driver seat and the exterior mirrors (also adjustable pedals and powercolumn if equipped) to the desired position.Simultaneously press and hold the memory recall switch MEM button and button-1 untila signal chime sounds indicating the memory position is saved for driver-1.

A second seating position for driver-2 may be programmed by repeating the above stepsand pressing memory button-2. There is no correlation between fob-1 and memory button-1or fob-2 and memory button-2. The positions stored for each of the memory recall buttonscan be recalled by pressing and holding the memory recall button until the memorycontrolled devices reach their saved position.

In addition to the two memory recall switch positions, three remote memory recallpositions for Drivers-1, 2, and 3 may be saved. Drivers-1 and 2 will each have a uniqueset of remote memory recall positions saved for key fob ID’s-1 and 2. A third uniqueset of positions for Driver-3 may also be saved for all additional key fobs-3 through8. Key fob ID’s-3 through 8 will be recognized by the SeatMemory Control Module as key fob ID-3. Key fob ID-3 will share the same set of savedpositions but will be unique from key fob IDs-1 and 2.

Note:The key fob memory recall positions are not tied to the positions stored to the memoryseat recall switches.

Key fobs-1, 2 and 3 (up to 3 unique sets of positions) can be saved by:

Press Unlock on the desired key fobPlace the ignition in the ON positionAdjust seat and mirrors to desired positionsTurn the ignition OFFKeyless Entry and Memory Recall Personalization

When a keyless entry transmitter is used in order to unlock the vehicle's doors, thebody control module communicates the unlock command and which driver performed thecommand to the seat memory control module via a serial data message. Vehicle lock/unlockfunctions and memory recall settings may be personalized. For functional descriptionsand personalization instructions, refer to the vehicle owners manual.

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