When the gear selector is moved to the Neutral (N) position,the hydraulic and electrical system operation is identical to Park(P) range. However, if Neutral is selected after the vehicle wasoperating in Reverse (R), the normally-low 35R pressure controlsolenoid is commanded OFF and the following changes would occur inthe hydraulic system.
3-5 Reverse Clutch ReleasesManual Valve
The manual valve is moved to the Neutral position and blocksline pressure from entering the reverse fluid circuit. Reversefluid, from the 3-5-reverse clutch regulator valve, the clutchselect valve, and the default override valve is opened to anexhaust passage at the manual valve.
35R Pressure Control Solenoid
The 35R PC solenoid is commanded OFF allowing PCS 35 reverseclutch fluid from the 3-5-reverse clutch regulator valve toexhaust.
3-5-Reverse Clutch Regulator Valve
PCS 35 reverse clutch fluid exhausts, allowing 3-5-reverseclutch regulator valve spring force to move the 3-5-reverse clutchregulator valve to the released position. This allows exhausting 35reverse clutch fluid pressure to pass into the exhaust backfillcircuit in order to assist the 3-5-reverse clutch piston spring toquickly release the 3-5-reverse clutch.
3-5-Reverse Clutch
3-5-reverse clutch spring force, assisted by exhaust backfillpressure, moves the 3-5-reverse clutch piston to release the3-5-reverse clutch plates and force 35 reverse clutch fluid toexhaust from the 3-5-reverse and 4-5-6 clutch housing assembly. Theexhausting 35 reverse clutch fluid pressure is routed to the3-5-reverse clutch regulator valve where it enters the exhaustbackfill circuit.
Clutch Select Valve
When reverse fluid exhausts from the clutch select shuttlevalve, shift solenoid fluid continues to hold the clutch selectvalve against clutch select valve spring force allowing 35 reverseclutch feed fluid to exhaust into the reverse circuit.
Neutral – EngineRunning-–-Gen 2/HybridTire Rotation Wheels
Rotate the tires and wheels at frequent intervals to equalizewear. Refer toMaintenance Schedule. In addition to scheduledrotation, rotate the tire and wheel whenever uneven tire wear isnoticed.Radial tires tend to wear faster in the shoulder area,particularly in front positions. Radial tires in non- ...