Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Object Detection Description and Operation (Side Blind Zone Alert, UFT)

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Accessories / Driver Assist / Object Detection Description and Operation (Side Blind Zone Alert, UFT)

Side Blind Zone Alert Block Diagram

B218RSide Object Sensor Module - RightA9BOutside Rearview Mirror - PassengerA11RadioB218LSide Object Sensor Module - LeftA9AOutside Rearview Mirror - DriverK40Seat Memory Control ModuleP45LRSeat Haptic Signal Motor - Driver Left RearP45RRSeat Haptic Signal Motor - Driver Right RearHard-Wired

Serial Data

Serial Data - GMLAN Low Speed

B218R-Side Object Sensor Module – Right

A9B-Outside Rearview Mirror – Passenger


B218L-Side Object Sensor Module – Left

A9A-Outside Rearview Mirror – Driver

K40-Seat Memory Control Module

Seat Haptic Movement Motor - Driver Left Rear

Seat Haptic Movement Motor - Driver Right Rear

Description and Operation

The side blind zone alert system shall detect and report "objects of interest" oneither side of the vehicle, within a specified “blind spot” zone. The system is designedto alert the driver, with a visual display placed on the side view mirror, to thepresence of objects of interest that may not be visible in the inside rearview mirrorand outside rear view mirrors. Although this system is intended to help drivers avoidlane changecrashes, it does not replace driver vision and therefore should be considered a lanechange aid. Even with the side blind zone alert system, the driver must check carefullyfor objects outside of the reporting zone (e.g., a fast approaching vehicle) beforechanging lanes. In the event that the system senses a malfunction through its diagnosticroutines, the system will be disabled and the driver will be visually notified.

When the system detects a vehicle in the side blind zone while driving forward, anamber warning symbol will light up in the appropriate outside mirror. This indicatesthat it may be unsafe to change lanes. If the driver then activates the turn signal,the amber warning symbol starts flashing as an extra warning not to change lanes.

Side blind zone alert is active when the vehicle is out of park or the parking brakeis off on manual transmission vehicles and at speeds up to approximately 140-km/h(87-MPH). If a vehicle is detected in the blind zone, the warning symbols will turnilluminate on the appropriate side. When the vehicle is started, both outside mirrordisplays will briefly come on to indicate that the system is operating. The warningsymbolswill vary brightness based on the ambient light conditions.

Side Blind Zone Alert System Components

The side blind zone alert system is made up of the following components:

Left side object sensor module (also used for rear cross traffic alert)Right side object sensor module (also used for rear cross traffic alert)Driver outside rearview mirrorPassenger outside rearview mirror

Side Object Sensor Modules

The side object sensor modules are located on each side of the vehicle behind therear fascia and are not directly visible from outside the vehicle. The sensors useradar to determine the presence of objects nearby. When an object is detected in theside blind zone, the side object sensor module supplies voltage to illuminate thevisual indicator on the appropriate side rear view mirror. Each sensor is suppliedB+ and ground. The rightsensor receives an additional ground. Both sensors communicate independently on theserial data line. The serial data enters the left sensor in a pass-thru configuration,that connects to the right sensor. The scan tool is able to individually communicatewith each sensor.

Outside Rearview Mirrors

The outside rearview mirrors contain an icon that is backlit with high intensity,amber-colored LED’s located on the mirror surface. The display brightness adapts today/night conditions. The side blind zone alert indicator icon in the left or rightoutside rearview mirror is illuminated if the left or right side object sensor moduledetects a vehicle in the side blind zone to inform the driver that there is a vehicledriving in the blindspot zone.

Side Blind Zone Alert Operation

When the vehicle is started, both outside mirror displays will briefly come on toindicate that the system is operating. The system is designed to detect objects ofinterest as small as a 125cc motorcycle with rider. The detection zone starts at theoutside rearview mirror and extends out to 3.5 m (11 ft) at the back corner of thevehicle and 3 m (10 ft) behind the vehicle at a height of 0.5 m (1.5 ft) to 2.0 m(6 ft) above the ground.The side blind zone system does not detect stationary objects such as guardrails,posts, curbs, walls, berms, bridges, or parked vehicles.

When the system detects a vehicle in the side blind zone while driving forward, independentif passing a vehicle or being passed, an amber warning symbol will light up in theappropriate outside mirror. This indicates that it may be unsafe to change lanes.If the driver then activates the turn signal, the amber warning symbol starts flashingas an extra warning not to change lanes.

Foul weather may affect the operation of the side blind zone system. Occasional missedalerts can occur under normal circumstances and will increase in wet conditions. Thenumber of missed alerts will increase with increased rainfall or road spray. Heavyrainfall, as well as mud, dirt, snow, ice, or slush build-up on the rear fascia, cancompletely disable the system.

If the vehicle is towing a trailer or has an object such as a bicycle rack attachedto the rear of the vehicle, the side blind zone system may not function properly andthe indicators may illuminate intermittently or remain illuminated all the time.

Side Blind Zone Alert Driver Information Center Messages


This message indicates that the system has been disabled through the driver informationcenter. Refer to the vehicle owners manual for instructions on how to set personalizationoptions on the driver information center.


This message indicates that the system requires service. When the message is displayed,the indicators will remain illuminated at all times, notifying the driver that theside blind zone system should not be relied upon when changing lanes. Since the sensorsare also used for rear cross traffic alert, this feature will also be inoperative.


This message indicates that the system has been temporarily disabled because the sensoris blocked or can otherwise not accurately detect vehicles or objects. Such instancesmay be mud, dirt, snow, ice, or slush build-up on the rear fascia, heavy rainfall,excessive road spray, fascia damage or stickers.

The rear cross traffic alert system will read the GPS latitude and longitude on theserial data bus and calculate if the vehicle is within a Radio Astronomy zone. Thesezones are located in Europe and Japan and require the sensors to be turned off. The“Side Detection System Unavailable” message will be displayed to the driver when thisoccurs.

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