Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Park Brake Hardware Inspection Parking Brake

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Chassis / Brakes / Park Brake Hardware Inspection Parking Brake

Warning:Refer toBrake Dust Warning.

With the brake rotors removed, visually inspect the upperreturn/adjuster actuator spring and the lower return spring for thefollowing:Excessive corrosionExcessive stretchingBroken hook endsTwisting or bindingIf any of the conditions listed were found, which could leadto improper park brake apply and/or release, the adjuster hardwareand/or return springs require replacement.Visually inspect the adjuster and the adjuster actuator leverfor the following:Misalignment with the park brake leverMisalignment with the park brake shoesBroken or bent adjuster actuator leverBent adjuster actuator lever pivot pinIf any of the conditions listed were found, which could leadto improper park brake apply and/or release, the adjuster hardwarerequires repair or replacement.Inspect the park brake lever for the following:BentBroken pivot pinSeized at the pivot pinBroken at park brake cable attachmentImproper contact with the adjusterIf any of the conditions listed were found, which could leadto improper park brake apply and/or release, the park brake leverrequires repair or replacement.Visually inspect the park brake cable for thefollowing:Improper mounting to the backing plateImproper mounting at the park brake leverBroken or missing cable end lugIf any of the conditions listed were found, which could leadto improper park brake apply and/or release, the park brake cablerequires repair or replacement.Apply the park brake lever/pedal three clicks.Visually inspect the park brake cable for thefollowing:Unequal travel between the left and the right park brakesystemsNo travel on one or both of the park brake systemsIf any of the conditions listed were found, which could leadto improper park brake apply and/or release, the park brake cablerequires replacement and/or adjustment.Release the park brake lever/pedal.Visually inspect the park brake cable for thefollowing:Unequal release between the left and the right park brakesystemsNo release at one or both of the park brake systemsIf any of the conditions listed were found, which could leadto improper park brake apply and/or release, the park brake cablerequires replacement and/or adjustment.
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