Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service Engine Control

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Internal Combustion Powertrain Control / Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service Engine Control

Removal Procedure

Warning:Refer toGasoline/Gasoline Vapors Warning.

Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service Engine Control

Note:There are several types of plastic collar fuel andevaporative emission quick connect fittings that may be used onthis vehicle.

Bartholomew (1)Q release (2)Squeeze to release (3)Sliding retainer (4)Push down TI (5)

Note:The following instructions apply to all of these types offittings except where indicated.

Relieve the fuel system pressure. Refer toFuel Pressure Relief.

Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service Engine Control

Warning:Wear safety glasses when using compressed air, as flying dirtparticles may cause eye injury.

Using compressed air, blow any dirt out of the quick connectfitting.

Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service Engine Control

This step applies to the Bartholomew style connectors ONLY.Squeeze the plastic quick connect fitting release tabs.

Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service Engine Control

This step applies to the Q release type connectors ONLY.Release the fitting by pushing the tab toward the other side of theslot in the fitting.

Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service Engine Control

This step applies to the Squeeze to release style connectorsONLY. Squeeze where indicated by arrows on both sides of theplastic ring surrounding the quick connect fitting.

Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service Engine Control

This step also applies to the Squeeze to release styleconnectors ONLY. Squeeze where indicated by the arrows on bothsides of the plastic ring surrounding the quick connectfitting.

Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service Engine Control

This step applies to the Sliding retainer style connectorsONLY. Release the fitting by pressing on one side of the releasetab causing it to push in slightly. If the tab does not move, trypressing the tab in from the opposite side. the tab will only movein one direction.

Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service Engine Control

This step applies to the Push down TI style connectors ONLY.Release the fitting by pressing on the tabs indicated by thearrow.

Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service Engine Control

Pull the connection apart.Wipe off the male pipe end using a clean shop towel.Inspect both ends of the fitting for dirt and burrs.Clean or replace the components as required.Installation Procedure

Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service Engine Control

Apply a few drops of clean engine oil to the male connectionend.

Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service Engine Control

Push both sides of the quick connect fitting together inorder to cause the retaining feature to snap into place.

Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service Engine Control

Once installed, pull on both sides of the quick connectfitting in order to make sure the connection is secure.

Fuel Tank Replacement (FWD) Engine Control
Removal ProcedureWarning:Do not allow smoking or the use of open flames in the areawhere work on the fuel or EVAP system is taking place. Anytime workis being done on the fuel system, disconnect the n ...

Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service Engine Control
Removal ProcedureWarning:Refer toGasoline/Gasoline Vapors Warning.Note:There are several types of Plastic Collar Fuel andEvaporative Emission Quick Connect Fittings used on thisvehicle.Bartholomew-(1) ...

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