Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Rail Dust Damage Repair Emblems/Decals/Paint

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Body / Body Exterior / Rail Dust Damage Repair Emblems/Decals/Paint

Warning:Refer toEye Protection Warning.

Note:If rail dust has penetrated into the basecoat, the panelrequires refinishing. Ensure all the rail dust has been removedprior to refinishing or the rust spots will return.

Rail dust damage comes from the tiny iron particles producedfrom the friction between the train wheels and the track. It canalso be deposited on vehicles if stored near any operationproducing iron dust (i.e., steel ore yards). This dust can eitherlay on top of, or embed into the paint surface. It is usuallydiagnosed as bumps in the paint surface or rust colored spots inthe paint.

Move the vehicle to a cool shaded area and ensure the vehiclesurfaces are cool during the removal process.Thoroughly wash the repair area with Liquid Wash and WaxGM-P/N-1052870, or equivalent.Wipe the area dry.Clean the affected area with silicone, wax and greaseremover.Perform the removal process according to the manufacturer'sdirections of the type of repair material used (Gel Type OxalicAcid or Clay Type Non-Acid Based). If, upon inspection, someparticles are still present, the process may be repeated. If thedamage has been repaired, complete the repair to the entirepanel.Polish the entire panel after the removal process. Refer toClearcoat Repair Specifications - 3M Products. If small pits remain inthe clearcoat after all of the damage has been repaired, refer toClearcoat Repair without Repainting.
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