Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Rear Bumper Fascia Bumper Guard Pad Replacement (Terrain) Bumpers Rear Bumper

Rear Bumper Fascia Bumper Guard Pad ReplacementCallout
Component Name
Preliminary Procedure Remove the rear fascia. Refer toRear Bumper Fascia Replacement. |
1 | Rear Bumper Fascia Bumper Guard Pad Procedure Depress the locking tabs to release the bumper guard pad fromthe rear fascia. |
Rear Bumper Fascia Bracket Replacement - SideCalloutComponent NamePreliminary ProcedureRemove the rear bumper fascia. Refer toRear Bumper Fascia Replacement.1Rear Bumper Fascia Bracket Side Bolt(Qty:- ...
Rear Bumper Fascia Molding ReplacementCalloutComponent NamePreliminary ProcedureRemove the rear bumper energy absorber. Refer toRear Bumper Energy Absorber Replacement.1Rear Bumper Fascia MoldingProce ...
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Vehicle Personalization
Use the audio system controls to access the personalization menus for customizingvehicle features.The following are all possible personalization features. Depending on the vehicle,some may not be available.CONFIG (Configuration)Press to access the Configuration Settings Menu.MENU/SEL KnobPress the c ...