Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Rear Side Door Outer Panel Replacement Doors

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Body / Doors and Enclosures / Rear Side Door Outer Panel Replacement Doors

Removal Procedure

Warning:Refer toApproved Equipment for Collision Repair Warning.

Warning:Refer toGlass and Sheet Metal Handling Warning.

Note:Before beginning the repair, refer toMetal Panel Bondingfor proper adhesiveapplicator preparations and general information.

Disable the supplemental inflatable restraint (SIR) system.Refer toSIR Disabling and Enabling.Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer toBattery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection.Remove all related panels and components.Repair as much of the damage as possible to factoryspecifications. Refer toDimensions - Body.Remove the door assembly. Refer toRear Side Door Adjustment.

Rear Side Door Outer Panel Replacement Doors

Locate and drill out all factory welds-(1). Notethe number and location of welds at the upper window.

Rear Side Door Outer Panel Replacement Doors

Grind the edges of the door outer panel to separate the outerdoor panel from the door shell-(1).

Rear Side Door Outer Panel Replacement Doors

Warning:Inspection of the door guard beam for damage must beperformed before replacement of the door outer panel. If damage tothe door guard beam is found the door must be replaced. Failure todo so may compromise the structural integrity of the vehicle andmay cause personal injury if the vehicle is involved in acollision.

Remove the outer door panel (1).Remove the sealers and anti-corrosion materials from therepair area, as necessary. Refer toAnti-Corrosion Treatment and Repair.

Rear Side Door Outer Panel Replacement Doors

Straighten the edges of the door innerpanel-(1).Installation Procedure

Rear Side Door Outer Panel Replacement Doors

Using a grinding disk, grind the surface of the door shell,removing all adhesive-(1). Mate the flanges to the outerpanel.

Rear Side Door Outer Panel Replacement Doors

Scuff the opposing mating surfaces of the door outer panel toremove the gloss of the E-Coat-(1).

Rear Side Door Outer Panel Replacement Doors

Note:If the location of the original plug welds cannot bedetermined or structural weld- thru adhesive was present, spaceplug weld holes every 40-mm (1 1/2-in)apart.

Drill 8-mm (5/16-in) plug weld holes asnecessary in the locations noted from the originalpanel-(1).Clean the mating surfaces.

Rear Side Door Outer Panel Replacement Doors

Note:The adhesive has a limited working time. Do not allow thedoor to totally cure off the vehicle, as proper alignment of thedoor outer panel to the door shell will be difficult.

Apply a 3–6-mm(1/8–1/4-in) bead of metal panel bondingadhesive GM P/N 12378566/7 (Canadian P/N 88901674/5) or equivalent,to both of the mating surfaces-(1).Using a small acid brush, spread a coat of adhesive to coverall the bare metal surfaces to ensure corrosion protection.

Rear Side Door Outer Panel Replacement Doors

Install the door outer panel to the doorshell-(1).

Rear Side Door Outer Panel Replacement Doors

Note:Do NOT pull the panels apart after being joined together.Slide the panels against each other to realign the panels.

Clamp the door outer panel into position asrequired-(1).Using a hammer re-hem the hem flanges around the doorshell-(2).

Continue to hammer in stages along the hem flanges.

Using lacquer thinner remove the excess adhesive from thedoor panel area.Install the door to the vehicle. Inspect the door outer panelfor proper alignment, adjust the alignment as required.

Rear Side Door Outer Panel Replacement Doors

Using metal-inert gas (MIG), weld the door outer panel to thedoor frame in the locations noted at the upper doorframe-(1).Clean and prepare all welded surfaces.

Rear Side Door Outer Panel Replacement Doors

Apply Fusor super flexible anti-flutter foam-fast set, FusorP/N-121/124 or equivalent in4–5-evenly spaced locations between the doorouter panel and the impact beam-(1).Apply sealers and anti-corrosion materials to the repair areaas necessary. Refer toAnti-Corrosion Treatment and Repair.Paint the repaired area. Refer toBasecoat/Clearcoat Paint Systems.Install the door assembly. Refer toFront Side Door Replacement.Install all related panels and components.Connect the negative battery cable. Refer toBattery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection.Enable the SIR system. Refer toSIR Disabling and Enabling.

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