Warning:Refer toSIR Warning. Preliminary ProceduresDisable the supplemental inflatable restraint (SIR) system.Refer toSIR Disabling and Enabling.Remove the rear door trim panel. Refer toRear Side Door Trim Panel Replacement.Remove rear side door check link. Refer toRear Side Door Check Link Replacement. | |
1 | Rear Side Door Upper Bolt to Door (Qty:-2) Caution:Refer toFastener Caution. ProcedureRemove the water deflector.Support the door before removing the hinge bolts.Disconnect the electrical connector, if equipped.Tighten25-Y(18-lb-ft) |
2 | Rear Side Door Lower Bolt to Door (Qty:-2) Tighten25-Y(18-lb-ft) |
3 | Rear Side Door ProcedureWith the aid of an assistant, remove the door.If installing a new door, transfer all the necessarycomponents.Verify door is properly aligned. If door adjustments areneeded, refer toRear Side Door Adjustment. |
Rear Bumper Fascia Replacement Bumpers Rear Bumper
Rear Bumper Fascia ReplacementCalloutComponent NamePreliminary ProcedureRaise and support the vehicle. Refer toLifting and Jacking the Vehicle.1Rear Fascia Lower ScrewCaution:Refer toFastener Caution.Tighten7-Y(62-lb-in)2Rear Fascia Upper ScrewTighten7-Y(62-lb-in)3Rear Fascia Screw (Qty:-2)Tighten7- ...