Preliminary ProceduresPlace the window in the fully down position.Remove rear door trim panel. Refer toRear Side Door Trim Panel Replacement.Remove the rear side door garnish molding. Refer toRear Side Door Garnish Molding Replacement.Remove the rear side door inner sealing strip. Refer toRear Side Door Window Inner Sealing Strip Replacement.Remove the rear side door window belt reveal molding. RefertoRear Side Door Window Belt Reveal Molding Replacement. | |
1 | Rear Side Door Window Weatherstrip Bolts(Qty:-3) Warning:Refer toGlass and Sheet Metal Handling Warning. Caution:Refer toFastener Caution. ProcedureApply masking tape to the applique to protect thefinish.Remove the rear side door water deflector.Tighten11-Y(97-lb-in) |
2 | Rear Side Door Window Weatherstrip ProcedurePull back the upper front corner of the weatherstrip toexpose the retainer.Remove the rear side door window weatherstrip from theoutside of the door frame .Align the upper notch in the window weatherstrip to the fixedwindow post and press the weatherstrip onto the windowflange.Ensure that the weatherstrip is fully secured into the uppercorners and sides of the door frame before operating thewindow.Inspect the operation of the window before installing thedoor trim panel. |
Temperature Versus Resistance - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Engine Control Engine Control Sensors Engine Coolant Temp Sensor
Temperature Versus Resistance - Engine Coolant Temperature SensorTemperatureC°/F°Resistance MinimumOhmsResistance MaximumOhmsEngine Coolant Temperature (ECT)−40/−4040,49050,136−20/−414,09616,827−10/148,64210,1520/325,4666,32620/682,3512,64925/771,9412,17340/1041,1181,23160/14057361880/17 ...