Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Remote Vehicle Speed Limiting Description and Operation Immobilizer

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Accessories / Security & Keyless Entry / Remote Vehicle Speed Limiting Description and Operation Immobilizer

Certain vehicles equipped with OnStar® now have anadditional feature that allows for remote limiting of the vehicle'sspeed. This OnStar® feature is called Stolen VehicleSlow-Down and is now part of the OnStar® Stolen VehicleAssistance service. This feature, when used in conjunction withlocal law enforcement and strict guidelines at the OnStar®Call Center, will slow the vehicle by interacting with the enginecontrol system.

When the engine control system receives a valid request fromthe OnStar® telematics communications interface module, itwill enter into a reduced engine power/vehicle speed limiting mode,which will decelerate the vehicle. Once the request is active theengine control module begins reducing engine torque to matchrequested vehicle speed and a REDUCED ENGINE POWER indication isdisplayed. No DTCs will be set during this process.

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