Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Replacing Airbag System Parts after a Crash Seats

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Body / Seating / Replacing Airbag System Parts after a Crash Seats

Warning:A crash can damage the airbag systems in the vehicle. Adamaged airbag system may not work properly and may not protect youand your passenger(s) in a crash, resulting in serious injury oreven death. To help make sure the airbag systems are workingproperly after a crash, have them inspected and any necessaryreplacements made as soon as possible.

If an airbag inflates, you will need to replace airbag system parts. See your dealerfor service.

If the airbag readiness light stays on after the vehicle is started or comes on whenyou are driving, the airbag system may not work properly. Have the vehicle servicedright away. SeeAirbag Readiness Light.

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