Warning:A crash can damage the safety belt system in the vehicle. Adamaged safety belt system may not properly protect the personusing it, resulting in serious injury or even death in a crash. Tohelp make sure the safety belt systems are working properly after acrash, have them inspected and any necessary replacements made assoon as possible.
After a minor crash, replacement of safety belts may not benecessary. But the safety belt assemblies that were used during anycrash may have been stressed or damaged. See your dealer to havethe safety belt assemblies inspected or replaced.
New parts and repairs may be necessary even if the safetybelt system was not being used at the time of the crash.
Have the safety belt pretensioners checked if the vehicle hasbeen in a crash, or if the airbag readiness light stays on afteryou start the vehicle or while you are driving. SeeAirbag Readiness Light.
Rear Bumper Lower Fascia Replacement (Terrain) Bumpers Rear Bumper
Rear Bumper Lower Fascia ReplacementCalloutComponent NamePreliminary ProceduresRemove the rear bumper fascia. Refer toRear Bumper Fascia Replacement.Remove the rear bumper fascia molding. Refer toRear Bumper Fascia Molding Replacement.1Rear Bumper Lower Fascia Screw (Qty:-2)Caution:Refer toFastener ...