Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Owners Manual: Roadside Assistance Program

U.S.: 1-800-243-8872

TTY Users (U.S. Only): 1-888-889-2438

Canada: 1-800-268-6800

New Chevrolet owners are automatically enrolled in the Roadside Assistance Program.

See Roadside Assistance Program.

Diesel Exhaust Fluid
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) is used with diesel engines to reduce the amount of regulated emissions produced. The DEF system must be maintained for the vehicle to run properly. It is normal to hea ...

Keys, Doors, and Windows

Other materials:

Front Side Door Lock Cylinder Coding Locks Mechanical Locks
The door lock cylinder uses 6 of the 8-cutpositions, 3 through 8. The tumbler positions are staggered fromside to side, 3 on one side and 3 on the other, are notself-retaining, and are not snap in.Note:All lock cylinders for side milled keys have right and lefttumblers. The location of the tooth of ...

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